Ray J, famous rapper person and co-star in Kim Kardashian's porn film, has dropped $30,000 on a birthday party. So what? No biggie. Most celebs wear clothes worth more than that, right? Yes, yes they do.
However, this birthday party was for Ray J's dog, namely Boogotti the Maltese, who is no doubt named after the incredibly expensive super car, the Bugatti.
So what did old Boogy the Maltese get for thirty grand? A golden Chum bowl? A dinosaur bone? A harem of bitches (as in female dogs) to give him some puppy love?
Possibly. The celebration, which will take place at the Petrock Hotel and Spa in Encino, California, will require all of the pooches' human guests to walk a red carpet. There'll also be special doggy treats and canine cake for Boogotti and co to dig into.

Ray J posted about the party on Instagram saying: "Im having a big party event for #boogotti 2nd bday!! Next Weekend! But you have to bring a dog-- more info on the way-- it's gonna be sexy and fun!!"
One snag was that Boogotti's owners, Ray J and his previous girlfriend Princess Love - yes, that's a human's name, not a dog's name - split up in October, and haven't been on the best terms since she left with three of their other precious pooches. Thankfully they managed to come to a compromise for the sake of Boogotti, as apparently he was off his food and missing his doggy pals.
So there you have it. A dog is having almost as much as your annual salary spent on a party he will neither remember or care about. There is no justice in the world.
Celeb pets that live better than humans

Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton splashed out on a mini replica of her mansion for her seventeen dogs, which includes a tiny furniture for them to pee on, a spiral staircase for them to poop on, and its very own chandelier. Plus, there's air conditioning, so it's pretty much better than your house.

Oprah Winfrey millionaire pups
Oprah Winfrey is thought to have set up a trust for her dogs Sadie, Layla and Lucky of around $30 million. She said: "I can't begin to repay my own dogs for the flat-out joy they bring me." WHAT? Even 30 mill won't cover it? Are you barmy, Oprah?

Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson not only carries her dog Daisy in a fancy carrier and brings her on stage, she also asked the staff at a W Hotel to create a dish especially for her pooch, tripe and pigs ears must not be good enough for her.

Ray J
Fromer sexual partner of Kim Kardashian, Ray J, spent $30K on a "fun and sexy" 2nd birthday party for his dog, Boogotti as he'd been feeling a bit down.YO, RAY J. WE FELL SAD. BUY US A HOUSE!

Maria Carey
Maria Carey spends $28,000 per year on grooming her eight dogs. They get a standard monthly cut and blow dry, then occasional full body wraps, Thai massages, blueberry facials and manicures during their day-long spa trips.But that's not all, her pooches travel with her in first class, or get checked into doggy day care at salons Chateau Marmutt, Barkingham Palace, or Pour La Pooch. Sometimes when she's feeling a bit more frugal her driver ferries the pups around at around £400 a time.