The Great British Bake Off is the biggest thing on television right now - we’re officially a nation obsessed with soggy bottoms and the state of Mary Berry’s floral prints.
So successful is the Bake Off format that it now exists in over 20 other countries, because watching the blood, sweat and tears that goes into decent laminations is never not compelling TV.
Here are some things we have learned from watching Bake Offs from all around the world.
In Germany, someone made this cake of a dog:

With hearts for eyes.

The Brazilian Mary Berry (Carolina Fiorentino) is really quite hot:

Ninety nine per cent of the Bake Offs have the same pastel colours and background. It's all the same! Here is the tent in Sweden:

In Finland, the Bake Off has the work poo in it. (The world ‘leipoo’ means baking, not anything of the brown variety):

Sweden's Mary Berry, Brigitta Rasmussen, is a gay icon which isn’t a surprise – that hair is on fleek:

In Germany, the contestants also make sassy cake handbags like this:

Rage transcends language and proximity. Iain Watters' Baked Alaskagate has reached far and wide and been replicated by someone on the Brazilian bake off, who THREW A GIANT TOASTIE IN THE BIN:
Anna Nolan the nun from Big Brother is both the Mel and Sue of the Irish version:

We've looked far and wide and in all the corners of the internet, but nothing can match up to the greatness of Paul and Mary and Mel and Sue. YOU DA BEST GUYS.