WATCH Geordie Shore spoilers: Holly Hagan and Chloe Ferry actually FIGHT over Scott Timlin

Calm down, ladies. He’s not worth it!

Geordie Shore: Scott Holly

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Holly Hagan,* Geordie Shore* original, and Chloe Ferry, show newbie, come to actual blows over Scott Timlin in tonight’s show.

Ooh, lasses. Kee-mon.

Chloe gets a big touch of the green-eyed monsters (AGAIN) when she thinks she sees Scotty T flirt with Hols.

Well, we can kind of understand her paranoia, last episode Scotty did try it on with Holly.

Chloe Ferry nightclub white vest

However, let us not forget that Holly has just gone through the most heart-wrenching break-up in* Geordie Shore* history and that she knew the actual reason Kyle Christie left sob.

But Chloe’s anger had been brewing all day, starting when the ladies discussed the previous night out.

“I’m so excited for tonight. It looked like everyone was very happy last night. I enjoyed it. I see a big difference in you Holly,” Charlotte told her gal pals.

“Yeah, I feel like I am in a much better place today,” said Holly, bravely.

But Chloe revealed her true feelings away from the ladies, saying:

“Holly said she was in a good place last night. Well aye, because you were all over my f***ing lad.”

Err, Chloe? He’s not actually your lad.

And so, with the aid of a lot of vodka, things KICKED RIGHT OFF in the club that night, with Chloe physically attacking Holly.

Oh dear. And her anger was misdirected: Scott had actually been all over Marnie Simspon.

Scotty T and Marnie Simpson kiss


Watch the sneak peek of Geordie Shore here:

Geordie Shore 11 | Episode #9 Sneak Peek: Chloe Kicks Off At Holly

Watch More:

Geordie Shore continues tonight at 10pm on MTV.

Scott’s rumoured for Celebrity Big Brother. Cor.

Celebrity Big Brother January 2016 - ALL the line-up rumours


WATCH Geordie Shore spoilers: Holly Hagan and Chloe Ferry actually FIGHT over Scott Timlin

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