Welcome to the shiny new heatworld.com

This is the future. Please wipe your feet, everything is clean and white in the future

by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

What's that? Why yes, we are looking pretty damn fine today and we'll be looking pretty banging every day from now on, because heatworld.com has had its very own sexy X Factor makeover.

So what's new then?

  • We've got a sexy new look, so heatworld will look stunning on mobile, tablet and desktop – plus, it'll work better than ever

  • Galleries are smoother than Kim Kardashian's supple skin, plus they're quick and oh so clickable

  • Videos are now MAHOOSIVE – yes, that is a technical term – it'll be like you're really in the room with all those lovely celebs

  • There are flippy bits everywhere - just like the heat Extra app - and they are awesome.

What else?


Niiiiice, anything else?



Ooh, what's that at the bottom?



But that's not all, we've also got LOADS of new content coming your way, so keep your eyes locked to heatworld for some of our ace new franchises, including:

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