Win an exclusive styling session with an ASOS stylist! Plus £500 worth of ASOS goodies

Winning prizes makes everyone happy, right?


by Anna Lewis |
Published on

Need some fashion inspiration this season? As part of our mission to make you happy all month, we’ve teamed up with ASOS to offer you the chance to win a personal styling session with one of their nine fabulous stylists. The team are dedicated to giving fashion advice tailored to you dependent on your style. Freddie’s obsessed with denim, whilst Rachel’s an ace at giving old-school grunge a fresh feel and Megan loves making catwalk looks super-wearable.

The winner will get a style consultation, before going to ASOS HQ to discuss ideas. You’ll take home your favourite new outfits up to the value of £500, and take a walk down the ASOS catwalk.

Follow all the ASOS stylists on Instagram now for their can’t-live-without edits and find out more about the team here!

Terms and Conditions:

Winner gets a consultation with their stylist before they come into ASOS to discuss ideas. They then get a styling session of £500 worth of ASOS clothes, as well as the chance to walk the ASOS catwalk. The styling session will be with one of the ASOS stylists of your choice, dependent on availability, in London. Prize does not include travel and accommodation. Competition closes at 23:59 on 13 January. Date of styling session to be decided between ASOS and the winner, but must be before the end of March 2015. Terms of entry can be found here.

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