You’ve GOT to hear 13 Reasons Why’s Katherine Langford singing

Hannah Baker can SANG. Who knew?

13 Reasons Why's Katherine Langford

by Carl Smith |
Published on

Now we've made the most of our Netflix subscription and watched 13 Reasons Why about five times over, we're spending 98% of our time Googling the cast's Snapchat usernames (here's a handy comprehensive list) and entire life stories. Yup, this show's our life now. And what?

Now, on our hunt for goss, we've discovered Katherine Langford aka Hannah Baker has an old YouTube channel full of bloody singing. Yup, our fave protagonist rn can SANG and we're so here for it.

We're not sure if this is common knowledge already but hey, whatever.

13 Reasons Why's Katherine Langford

Katherine's vintage channel (can we describe 2013 as 'vintage'?) features three uploads of original songs about friendship, relationships and all the usual malarky and we're seriously wondering why she wasn't featured on the show's original soundtrack.

SHE CAN PLAY PIANO AND EVERYTHING. Look, here's Young & Stupid. Bloody brilliant, it is.

A bit of 3 Words, anyone?

Who knew, eh? Katherine Langford, WHY ARE WE NOT YOU?


Liam Payne's solo music's 'next level,' apparently

Zayn Malik's Still Got Time video's NSFW. But watch it anyway.

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