Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace has broken her silence on the whole CBB’s Bit On The Side fight that took the show off air last night and put one celebrity in hospital.
As we reported this morning, CBBBOTS was suspended yesterday evening ten minutes from the end after Aisleyne and Farrah Abraham got into a verbal argument that soon turned physical – and sent Vicki Mitchel to hospital.
It got heated when Farrah kept interrupting Aisleyne and telling her, “Hag be quiet”.

Viewers then saw Aisleyne reaching for her champagne glass before the live feed was pulled and replaced with the CBB logo.
Now Aisleyne has told the Mirror that the conflict was all Farrah’s fault – and she was just trying to protect herself from the 16 And Pregnant star.
“I was having to duck. I was ducking and diving. I was worried about the glass getting in my face,” she said.
“It was like a western bar brawl to be honest. She threw the glass at me. It smashed all over the floor and the desk. Because it didn’t get me she picked up another glass, threw it and it smashed. She picked up Jenna [Jameson]’s glass and threw it.”
Aisleyne admitted that she also threw half a glass of champagne “towards” Farrah, but said the “show is pantomime” and the producers “[still] aired it”. That’s not really an excuse to chuck your drink at someone though, is it?
“In retrospect I should have realised that [Farrah] is so unstable... I thought she was going to throw the champagne back at me, which I could have dealt with,” Aisleyne added.
“To actually pick up glasses and direct them and aim them to try and cut my face…”
Meanwhile, BBBOTS host Rylan appeared on This Morning to explain that the incident is now a “legal matter” for the police and producers to look into.
He said he’ll try and reveal more of what happened on tonight’s show, adding: “There’s a lot of stories on social media. I want to say please wait until you get an official line from Big Brother, from me, the show, just so you’re aware of what actually happened before any fingers are being pointed.”
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