MTV have confirmed that My Super Sweet 16 will be making a return to TV this year and we couldn’t be happier (we practically peed our pants when we heard the news).
Ever since it finished in 2008 we’ve been praying for its return, and those prayers have finally been answered. It only took nine years, but better late than never, right?
Every tween of the mid-noughties envied the uber rich kids who were lavished with diamonds, cars and celeb performances, and if you say you weren’t even a little bit jealous, you’re clearly lying. Those kids were goals AF.
Now, a whole new generation of 13-year-olds can be dissatisfied with their caterpillar cakes and backyard bouncy castles as they see how the other half live.
In anticipation of the new batch of spoiled brats, we’ve made a list of our fave moments from the show back in its heyday just to remind you of how fabulous it really was.
1. When Rihanna made a cameo appearance as Darnell’s date

This was before Rihanna was, you know, Rihanna. Before she became an international sex symbol, Darnell’s parents managed to secure the rising star as his glamorous date. These days she counts Drake as one of her past beaus, but at least Darnell can say he was there first. We’re not sure if Ri-Ri remembers Darnell, but nevertheless this guy has some serious bragging rights these days.
2. That time Katie forced her friends to dress up as elves

The southern belle loved Christmas so much that her whole party was themed around it. It sure did put our Christmas school disco to shame. Every guy cringed so hard at this episode when they saw how Katie single-handedly convinced her friends to dress up as Christmas elves and hand out her party invitations. A moment of silence for her male pals who were blindly friend-zoned and exploited.
3. When P-Diddy hired the crème-de-la-crème of entertainers for his son’s bday bash
Justin Combs got a party nothing short of what one would expect from having a superstar dad. Counting Trey Songz, Nicki Minaj and Lil Kim as guests, the whole affair was jaw-dropping, and, quite frankly made us resent our dad’s for having boring office jobs rather than being rap royalty. How selfish of them for being so mediocre and talentless.
4. That time a party planner offended her client so badly it’s laughable
Caroline hired her party planner to make her party da bomb, not to insult her, but it seems the planner missed the memo. Oops. It turns out the quickest way to offend a millennial is to suggest having a doctor in attendance at the bash to give botox shots. Skip to 3:06 in the video to see Caroline’s reaction (somebody needs to make a GIF of her face, seriously).
5. Lil Wayne’s lil girl’s ‘do
It’s no secret that Lil Wayne likes to flash his cash, so what else would we expect when it came to his princess’ birthday? Like Diddy, Lil Wayne requested the services of his BFF Nicki Minaj to perform at Reginae’s party. Luck for us, one of the attendees videoed the performance and uploaded it to YouTube. It’s like we’re really there.
6. Scarlett aka the bossiest 12-year-old in the UK
When the MTV crews landed in the UK to film the English version, Scarlett really didn’t help the ‘cold’ reputation the British have acquired. She was quick to shut her mum down when she questioned anything and was crystal clear on what she wanted with her party planners, but when we look back at how we were when we were 12, we were probs the same. Granted, we had to make do with the back lawn as a dancefloor, but if the option of having a proper one was there then we’re sure we’d have fought for one too.
7. Jennifer Lawrence’s first big role
Okay, so even though J-Law wasn’t on the show herself, she was in the advert for it, which is basically the same thing. We’re confident that her performance as a spoilt tween was deffo Oscar worthy – more so than her performance in Silver Lining’s Playbook. We like to think that this ad was her big break. If only we knew back then that she would go on to be one of the biggest stars in the world.
8. When Super Sweet 16 went international
If gawping at the filthy rich kids of America wasn’t enough, the MTV producers took the show around the globe to showcase the wealth of teenagers all over the world. It was definitely enlightening to see how the other half live abroad, but one of our favourites was Medy from Holland who got the A-list treatment when she turned up to lunch on a speedboat. Leonardo DiCaprio would be well jel. If she didn’t fancy boating to events, her parents got her a brand new Porsche anyway. It sure does beat getting the bus to Nando’s.
9. Sophie was the kid that we all grew up to be
Sophie was deffo the kind of person we all are now that we’ve grown up. Keeping it real since day one, she refuted to idea of being nice to people, even if they were attending her party and feeding her popular ego. It turns out people weren’t so subtle about disliking her either, as after the show she was criticised so much that she ended up moving to school in Switzerland. BEEF!
10. The golden nugget that is Audrey
This is probs the most iconic moment of Super Sweet that has ever been and that will ever be. Audrey threw a hella childish tantrum when her mum gave her the keys to her car BEFORE her party instead of during it (which is what Audrey wanted). How does one react to such a catastrophe? By telling your mum that you hate her and that she’s ruined your life, of course. It wasn’t even the car she wanted! Jeez, talk about incompetence on her mother’s part! Nevertheless, Audrey’s bratty behaviour made for some golden TV and really cemented My Super Sweet 16 as the pinnacle of reality TV.