How to follow the Big Brother 2017 housemates on Snapchat

Wanna keep up with them now the series is over and they’re out the house? Read on

Lotan Carter

by heatworld |
Published on

Big Brother 2017 has just ended, and Isabelle Warburton crowned the winner.

We’ve been so used to seeing them on our screens the other day, that we’re really kinda missing them in our lives.

So, we thought we’d so some digging and compile a list of their Snapchat usernames and Instagram and Twitter handles – so even though they’re not on telly anymore, they can still be in all of our lives.

You are welcome.

Big Brother Snapchat usernames

Ellie Young Snapchat username

Ellie Young Big Brother

Snapchat: Ellieyoung1993

Twitter: @Ellieweekender

Instagram: @Ellieweekender

Chanelle McCleary Snapchat username

Chanelle McCleary

Snapchat: N/A

Instagram: @missmcclearyx

Twitter: @MissMcleary

Arthur Fulford Snapchat username

arthur big brother

Snapchat: N/A

Twitter: @FulfordArthur

Instagram: N/A

Charlotte Keys Snapchat username

charlotte keys

Snapchat: N/A

Instagram: Charlottevkeys

Twitter: @CharlotteKeys7

Lotan Carter Snapchat username

Lotan Carter Big Brother

Snapchat: Lotanofficial

Instagram: @lotanlaidbare

Twitter: @Lotanlaidbare

Raph Korine Snapchat username

raph korine

Snapchat: N/A

Instagram: @raph176

Twitter: @Raph176

Rebecca Jane Snapchat username

Rebecca Jane Big Brother

Snapchat: N/A

Twitter: @LadyDetectives1

Instagram: @ladyrebeccajane

Kayleigh Morris Snapchat username

Kayleigh Morris Big Brother

Snapchat: Kmorrisx

Instagram: k.mariex

Twitter: kmorrisx

Sam Chaloner Snapchat username

sam chaloner instagram

Snapchat: N/A

Instagram: @samchaloner

Twitter: @samchal92

Imran Javeed Snapchat username

imran jaded twitter

Snapchat: N/A

Twitter: @TheJaveeds

Sukhvinder Javeed Snapchat username


Snapchat: N/A

Instagram: @SukhyJaveed

Deboarah Agboola Snapchat username


Snapchat: N/A

Instagram: @officialdebra

Twitter: @OfficialDebra

Hannah Agboola Snapchat username

Hannah Agboola

Snapchat: N/A

Instagram: @hannahagboola

Twitter: @hannahagboola_

Isabelle Warburton Snapchat username

Isabelle Warburton Big Brother 2017

Snapchat: N/A

Instagram: @isabellewarburton

Twitter: @IsabWarburton

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