The brand new Big Brother eye is VERY POLITICAL

Are you ready?

New big Brother eye

by Hannah Mellin |
Published on

And amongst the semi-good weather, amazing festivals we wish we were attending and getting all hot and bothered everyday on the tube – summer also means a brand new Big Brother series is on it's way and it looks like it’s going to be more controversial than ever with a political theme.


In its eighteenth series, the Big Brother bosses have focused on a topic sure to get those in and out of the house talking, with producers revealing that the new series of the reality show is going to present a ‘culture clash of modern Britain’.

Formed from a multi-coloured Union Jack flag, the new BB eye design features a mix of images that are said to represent the UK including a polling station, security cameras and a hand grasping a sign that says ‘we are all immigrants’.

New big Brother eye


The brand new eye features the Union Jack flag with loads of political images including a polling station, security camera and a sign that says 'we are all immigrants'.

Channel 5 said: "This summer, Big Brother presents a must-watch culture clash of modern Britain.

"At a time of political upheaval and tough questions about unity in the UK, Big Brother brings you an alternative look at Britain.

"The United Kingdom of Big Brother… and everyone is welcome."

Will we ever be ready? Probably not.


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