Celebrity Big Brother has already provided more explosions and excitement then that firework display we were dragged to on New Years eve.
Ray J has been discussing his former er... 'romancing' with Kimmy K, Spiedi have been annoying everyone, half of Jedward fell into the audience (!!) and there has been a love triangle a-brewing between Jasmine, Calum and Jamie.OOH.

But away from the spotlight, DJ Brandon Block was RUSHED to hospital on Thursday night and reports suggested it was rather serious.
We did think he was a little er... missing? Anyone else?
The 49-year-old ninja (see: below assemble) complained of chest pains and on-site medical staff were unable to diagnose the problem.

A source told The Daily Star newspaper: ‘Brandon wasn’t well at all. It was pretty serious.’
‘He immediately saw the medics that were on standby at the house.’
‘But there were concerns his condition could worsen and could even become critical so it was decided he needed to go to hospital’
Don’t worry, before the was-I-making-a-carrot-sticks-for-my-hummus-and-completely-missed-this?! panic sets in, these scenes were NOT AIRED.
He returned back into the house hours later where the producers are keeping a close eye on him.
We hope you’re feeling okay Brandon! The house seems nightmarish enough…