CBB 2015: Katie Hopkins is unleashed and talk in the house turns dirty…

Last night we saw Katie Hopkins on her best behaviour in the Celebrity Big Brother house.


by Ellie Henman |
Published on

But let’s not forget she was under the curse of kindness so she had to be all sweetness and light. Really then, it’s a no brainer that when the curse was lifted tonight, the motor mouth went to town.

Talking to* Big Brother* in the diary room after she was freed from kindness, Katie described the other housemates as “self-obsessed, delusional fools”.

She then calls Patsy “a manic, nervous goon,” says Ken has a portly stature because he’s 71 and adds that Perez “needs to work on toning his body up and toning his voice down.”

We’ve missed the old Katie. Welcome back, love!

Other highlights from tonight’s show include Keith offering to help Ken with his manly needs – in Ken’s words rubbing “his nuts with perfume and oil” – and Alicia telling everyone how “desperate” she is.

Desperate in terms of finding men…

Oh, and Cami Li has an intimate tattoo. We can’t wait to catch an eyeful of that.


Celebrity Big Brother January 2015 house pictures

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