What can we expect now from CBB’s Bear now Saira Khan’s gone?

We wouldn't put a full blown riot past him

CBB Bear

by Eden-Olivia Lord |
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We're not going to lie, Stephen Bear is our favourite CBB housemate. Yes he annoys the other housemates, yes he causes a lot of drama but WE LOVE HIM FOR IT.

Seriously, imagine this series without Bear. We'd have to sit and watch Lewis and Marnie snog and bicker, and… sorry, what do any of the other housemates do? That's right. NOTHING.

None of the housemates seem to know to handle Bear, except Saira Khan.

CBB Saira
©Pic Select

They had a love-hate relationship that started when Saira asked Bear: "Have you ever punched someone?"

Who even says that?

Things went downhill from there, and Saira calling Bear a dickhead about a million times in the diary room is one of our highlights of the series.

But the Loose Woman, just like the rest of us, couldn't resist Bear and became his friend. She even said in her exit interview with Emma Willis: "Honestly, he is a prankster. He's a lad, he's a young lad having fun.

CBB Bear
©Channel 5

"He's on the trip of his life and he's having fun. I have got to know the other side of him."

READ: So THIS is what Bear gave to Saira Khan on her way out of CBB

But now Saira has been evicted from the Big Brother house, we wonder what Bear will do now without the one person who seemed to get through to him (a bit) and who was prepared to be his friend.

Maybe he'll:

  • Cry over Saira leaving

  • Become really nice and win over everyone's hearts with his charm

  • Stay loved up with Chloe. After all, he has broken up with his girlfriend Lillie Lexie Gregg while he's been in the house

  • Become friends with Audrey O'Day, sorry Aubrey. We can totally see Bear and Aubrey having a love-hate relationship

Aubrey O'Day CBB
©Channel 5
  • Act out more sexual shennanigans with Frankie Grande? That was interesting, he even confirmed that he likes a bit of anal play (we kind of already knew after seeing his naked Snapchat stills)

  • Continue to annoy the whole house

Yeah, the last one is probably a given.

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