CBB announces SLY eviction twist for Bear, Chloe, Marnie and James

Oooh, he's a sly one

CBB Bear

by Georgina Terry |
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Tonight, Celebrity Big Brother's Stephen Bear, Marnie Simpson, Chloe Khan and James Whale face the public vote. One of them will be booted out of the Brentwood bungalow, theoretically the one with the least votes to save them.


CBB have announced a sly twist that means the least popular housemate could be saved.

During the live show, the two housemates who come bottom in the popularity stakes will face a game of chance that will determine which of them stays and which of them goes. Harsh.


©Channel 5

But who will be in the bottom two? We think Chloe will probably be there, she's the bookies' favourite to go. And James can't be that popular, can he?

Mind you, Katie Hopkins was an actual runner-up in the year that Katie Price won, so we'd be foolish to put anything past the viewing public.

We reckon Marnie will be safe: her Geordie Shore cast mates have been appealing for people to vote for her.

And Stephen Bear, who is up for eternal nomination, while not a man we'd want to flat-share with is undeniably an entertaining housemate.

Elsewhere tonight, Chloe and Renee Graziano have a MASSIVE fall out in the garden that James likens to something you see "outside a pub on a Saturday night". He must go to very different sorts of pubs to the classy establishments we frequent (lies).

And Marnie and Lewis Bloor tell each other the L-word.

CBB Marnie Simpson Lewis Bloor
©Channel 5

Lew says to Marnie: I see a future for us and its f8cking beautiful, I f8cking love you so much, I don’t wanna lose you."

To which Marnie replies: "I love you more than I should, maybe I should put my guard up."

They've been in the house 15 days, guys. But the heart wants what the heart wants. On eviction night.

CBB continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5.

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