Lst nigght, Celebrity Big Brother went further then we have ever seen before.
Lewis Bloor waggled his frankly huge penis at Marnie Simpson in a consensual display of full frontal nudity. It was kind of amazing.
In the interests of gender balance we should mention that Marnie was also fully nude but, as any fool know, there is nothing remotely rude about boobs and lady parts. From a certain angle.

The TOWIE / Geordie Shore cross-over romance blossomed almost the moment the two walked into the CBB house, in fact Ricky Rayment, Marnie Simpson's ex-fiancé and Lewis ex-cast mate, reckons the pair had smooched last year.
And last night the pair of them decided to have a shower together.
"I just had the most romantic shower in my life!" Marnie gushed afterwards.
"I would never do anything more than shower with him and kiss him. I’ve never had a boy treat me how he treats me," which is probably true. She's dated Gary Beadle, Scotty T and Aaron Chalmers – although the latter did take her on a date to an ice cream parlour.
"I feel so lucky. He is just perfect. I don’t ever want to leave this house!”

Marnie may also have been feeling pretty happy after witnessing the size and girth of Lewis's member.
Would you like to see it?
You can, but we must stress that what you are about to see is a naked man's penis, and we're not even joking.
Ta da!

Big, innit? Turns out Lewis's ex who said he had a huge peniswas not exaggerating. Does it look bigger as Lewis appears to be completely hair free and carefree? Maybe. We're not complaining, mind.
Would you like to do a size comparison between Lewis and *Love Island'*s Alex Bowen? You can!
You could even compare him to Marnie's ex, Gary Beadle.
What a day.
*Celebrity Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5. *