CBB: new housemate announced!

Gemma Collins pulls a face

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Hold onto your hats everyone!

The moment we’ve been waiting for is finally here.

A new Celebrity Big Brother housemate has been announced and it's (drum roll please)…

Gillian McKeith.

Gillian McKeith
Really? *sigh

Yeah, sorry about that. Just don’t shoot the messenger, OK?

According to Channel 5 bosses, “holistic food and lifestyle guru” Gillian McKeith will pay an unexpected visit to the Big Brother house, live tonight.

Over the next few days, the celebrities will be put to the test in the “ultimate January detox” as prescribed by Gillian.

Sounds shit. Which, no doubt, Gillian will want to examine.

As part of this week’s task, Gillian will be asked by Big Brother to select the four housemates whom she believes to be the "most toxic" tonight.

Gillian will be living in the house but will not participate in nominations and will not be evicted.

Celebrity Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5.

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