CBB’s Ricky Norwood lays into Chloe Khan

He finally got some airtime!

Ricky Chloe

by Polly Foreman |
Published on

Poor Ricky Norwood has had all of about 40 seconds of airtime on Celebrity Big Brother, but when he does make a rare appearance on our screens it’s been surprisingly fiery.

After we’d got over the initial shock that he could talk when he stood up to Heavy D over his horrid comments to Chloe Khan, we developed quite a soft spot for him.

Ricky Chloe
©Channel 5

Heavy had referred to Chloe as “that” after she’d repeatedly rejected his uncomfortable advances.

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During a scrap in the smoking area, Lewis Bloor said to Heavy: "You was a nice guy until she turned you down, and now you've turned."

He then replied: "No, I don't give a shit about that,"

Heavy D Chloe Khan

Literally, ugh.

Ricky was not pleased.

He took Heavy aside and said: “What you're saying is stirring the pot, and stirring the pot is never nice.

"If you've got something to say on a situation then say it, but there's certain things the way in which you say them.

"I wouldn't have anybody refer to a lady as 'that'. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Bae <3

He also said: “words have power and words have meaning and words can hurt and words can stab and words can kill,” which is very poetic if you ask us.

But it appears Ricky hasn’t got Chloe’s back any more, as he labeled her “two faced” during yesterday’s nominations.

After putting her up for nomination, he said: “she is two-faced… I can’t trust her.”

Meow, Ricky.

But he didn’t manage to get her up for eviction, as it was revealed that Lewis Bloor, Saira Khan, Heavy D (and Stephen Bear lol) would face the public vote.

Heavy D said he was feeling confident. We aren’t so sure.

Read more: Things KICKED OFF between CBB's Lewis Bloor and Heavy D last night

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