Sarah Harding discusses whether she had sex with Chad in the Big Brother house


Sarah Harding

by Ruby Norris |
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Things have been hotting up in the Celebrity Big Brother house for Sarah Harding and Chad Johnson.

They recently both cheated on their respective partners when they shared a big ol' smooch.

Chad is reportedly dating model Zoe Baron, who got together after she messaged him asking for workout tips.

And Sarah Harding also has a boyfriend on the outside world.

READ MORE: Celebrity Big Brother 2017: the OFFICIAL line-up and gossip

Amidst the tongue sandwiches, Sarah said she is "trying to be a decent person", but admitted she was feeling 'lonely' and 'needs company' in the house.

Sarah Harding Chad Johnson kiss Celebrity Big Brother 2017 CBB

Now the former Girls Aloud singer has addressed whether or not she and Chad had sex in the house.

While sat next to each other at the table, Brandi Glanville asks the pair: "So did you guys have sex yet?"

Clearly not enjoying the interrogation, Sarah replies: "No it's not like that."

"I mean it's on camera. People were talking about it, if it happened it happened," Brandi observantly pointed out.

Sarah then went on to explain: "No I'm not going to do anything like that in the house, that was just a different, I don't know, I've just got to maintain some decorum while I'm in the house and respect other people."

After a little confusion over the word 'decorum' (lolol) Chad appeared to agree with his smooching partner.

Brandi Glanville

Earlier, Sarah told Chad she thought they should 'draw a line under' everything that's happened and probably avoid kissing each other again out of 'respect' for the guy she's been seeing on the outside.

Previously, Sarah asked Chad if her boyfriend would be annoyed at the snogging sessions, to which Chad replied: "Maybe. he probably won't be happy. I don't think cuddling is going to change anything."

Ummm, yeah. We're pretty sure he's not going to be too happy about it.

Now watch: Big Brother winners... where on EARTH are they now?!

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