CBB might face an OFCOM INVESTIGATION over Sarah Harding sex scene


Sarah harding chad

by Polly Foreman |
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Celebrity Big Brother stars Sarah Harding and Chad Johnson finally went offish at the weekend, and they’re now boyfriend and girlfriend.

Chad Johnson Sarah Harding Celebrity Big Brother 2017 CBB


But being with your brand new boyfriend while stuck in a house full of shouting strangers and cameras sounds like a bloody nightmare - something Sarah and Chad found out on Sunday night when they wanted got intimate in bed.

(She appeared to perform a sex act on him. Nawty.)

READ MORE: Celebrity Big Brother 2017 - all the gossip!

And now it looks CBB could face an actual Ofcom investigation, as a number of people are said to have taken time out of their day to complain.

An Ofcom insider confirmed to The Sun Online: "We will assess these complaints before deciding whether or not to investigate.”

This comes after a source told the publication the scenes had to be screened by CBB for being too graphic.

"There's a lot of heavy petting going down between the couple,” they said.

"Sarah's hand disappeared under the covers and Chad's boxers came off.”



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