Stephen Bear makes KILLER nomination in sly CBB twist

But who does he choose? He has so many enemies

CBB Bear

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

Saira Khan became the second housemate to leave Celebrity Big Brother last night, leaving Stephen Bear, Lewis Bloor and – for some reason – Heavy D in the house.

That was sort of not a surprise: the votes were to save so Saira was not the most hated housemate but the least liked. Small victories.

However, Saira was barely out of the door when Big Brother announced a shock twist.


The three who survived the eviction each get to make a killer nomination, meaning that the people they choose, and only them, will face the public vote on Friday.

"Yes! In your face. IN. YOUR. FACE!" Bear bellowed, when he heard the news.

CBB Bear
©Channel 5

You can see his point: the housemates chose him to be up for eternal nomination, meaning he faces the public vote every single time.

So, who did Bear choose? His enemies within the house are numerous. He's had barneys with Aubrey ("Audrey") O'Day, Frankie Grande, Ricky Norwood, Katie Waissel and James Whale. And they're just the ones we've seen.

But Bear didn't do for any of them. He went for Renee Graziano.

CBB Bear
©Channel 5

"Renee babe, not being funny, very negative," he told the Mob Wives star.

"You have a lot of negative energy around you. But you're a lovely woman and I know you're better than that. So this week, it's you. No more drama."

"Thank you," she told Bear. "Thank you."

But she clearly meant the opposite.

Want to watch Bear's killer *CBB *nomination? You can!

Lewis and Heavy D (bloody hell) WON'T be up for eviction this Friday. But who will they choose? Heavy surely won't choose Chloe Khan now she's (possibly) sexing Bear up in the toilet, will he? And as for Lewis, he can't vote for Heavy D so where will he strike? Hmm.

*Celebrity Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5. *

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