CBB’s Stevi Ritchie reveals FULL Chloe-Jasmine engagement story: “I didn’t mind paying £30 for that halibut”

This is a genuine quote from his mouth

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by Emmeline Saunders |
Published on

Celebrity Big Brother’s resident lovers are a mystery, aren’t they? Stevi Ritchie is a nice dude (he came in and switched on heat Towers’ Christmas lights last year, so we can speak with some authority here), but just what in the heck is he doing with Chloe-Jasmine Whichello?

It’s a question for the ages. Yet, amid all the people who are convinced they’re just having a showmance, there does seem to be genuine affection between them.

In tonight’s show, we’ll get to see Stevi recount the epic story of his proposal to new friend Janice Dickinson – who watches on with glee as Stevi basically reconstructs the entire scene for her visual enjoyment, hand gestures and all.

We already knew X Factor’s Casanova had taken Chloe to a nice restaurant for her birthday, and that he gave her a bag full of newspaper as her present. What we didn’t know was the sheer awkwardness the entire eaterie felt as Chloe rummaged through said newspaper looking for her real present.

“‘Babe’, I said, ‘keep searching, keep searching’, she put the bag down on the table, and I went, ‘Babe, that’s not it, that’s not it’. It wouldn’t click in her head, you know?” Stevi told Janice, while doing the universal gesture for someone who doesn’t understand something, i.e repeatedly drumming his middle fingers against his forehead.

“She couldn’t find it! So I got down on one knee, and she was like, ‘Darling, I don’t understand?’”

Eventually, it transpired that Stevi WAS indeed proposing marriage to her, and the entire restaurant broke out into spontaneous applause.

“And the meal was great!” Stevi added. “Do you know, it was like £30 for a halibut, weren’t it? But it was so worth it.”


Catch this scene and SO much more in CBB, tonight at 9pm on Channel 5.

CBB 2015: ALL the housemates going into Celebrity Big Brother in summer 2015


CBB 2015: ALL the housemates going into Celebrity Big Brother in summer 2015

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