Celebrity Big Brother viewers have been CRINGING at Nicola McLean

Poor hun

Nicola McLean and Jamie O'Hara CBB

by Ruby Norris |
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It's safe to say this series of Celebrity Big Brother has been a little bit on the saucy side.

We're not quite talking Laura Carter and Marco Pierre White Jr kinda saucy (that was just a bit obscene even for us) but there's defo a lot of sexual tension flying about.

There was that time Calum Best, Jamie O'Hara and Jasmine Waltz all shared a bed and had a little smooch, Coleen Nolan gave Calum a lap dance and Stacy Francis said some v nawty things about Brandon Block.

(P.S. check out the full line-up here)

Last night things appeared to get a little bit hot 'n' spicy between Jamie and Nicola McLean. But CBB viewers were quick to comment that Nicola may have been embarrassing herself, as she is married to former footballer and friend of Jamie, Tom Williams.

Nicola McLean and Jamie O'Hara CBB

After admitting she had had too much to drink she whispered to Jamie: "Look after me. I'm a lunatic it doesn't need to happen right now."

Jamie then replied: "You know I've got your back. A hundred per cent. A million per cent.

"You know I've got your back. I think you're amazing. I love you."

WOAH. The L bomb.

Nicola and Jamie then had a bit of a cuddle, but Calum prompted Jamie to take things to the next step and goaded: "Give her a kiss. On the lips, the lips, on the lips. Let me watch. On the lips."

Erm, bit creepy Calum, hun.

Jamie laughed off these peculiar demands, saying: "I’d love to. She’s a beautiful woman but I’ve got too much respect for my bruv [Tom]."

Nicola then piped up and hinted that the pair had kissed BEFORE: "We’ve done it before, we can’t do it again."

Wuuuut? Wheeeennn?

Viewers didn't react too well to this drunken display, taking to Twitter to reveal they found the whole thing a bit CRINGE.

Even a couple of celebs commented on the situation.

In the house, fellow housemates also were also a bit concerned by Nicola's behaviour. Stacy warned her: "Don't get in trouble."

Nicola McLean and Jamie O'Hara CBB

Jamie – who was married to Danielle Lloyd (who Nicola called a dickhead the other day lololol) – then told the camera: "Tom, it's cool!"


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