If you watched last night's Celebrity Big Brother launch (which of course you did 'cos what else is there to do on a Tuesday evening / any evening EVER), then you'll know a load of FAB celebs entered the house.
There were familiar faces in the form of Heidi & Spencer Pratt, James Jordan, Jasmine Waltz, Austin Armacost, Coleen Nolan, Nicola McLean, Calum Best, as well as some newbies: Bianca Gascoigne, Ray J, Stacy Francis, Brandon Block, James Cosmo, Jamie O’Hara and Angie Best.
And in true Big Brother style there was also a bit of a twist.
Once the All Stars were safely (ish) in the house, they were made 'The Producers' and essentially given the power to 'edit out' the New Stars they deemed the least entertaining. This basically means they are separated from the rest of the housemates and not allowed to take part in any important moments in the house so they don't get as much airtime.
Harsh, but brilliant.
Last night we saw newbie Stacy Francis fall victim to the cutting desk as she was 'edited out'.
And now it has been revealed that actor James Cosmo will become the second New Star to suffer the same fate.

In tonight's show the housemates gather on the sofas while The Producers choose a second housemate to 'edit out'. After deciding that he is the least likely to be offended, they choose James who then graciously wanders off to collect his obligatory tracksuit and chair and joins Stacy.
As the celebrities get to know each other in tonight's episode, the conversation inevitably turns to those classic CBB buzzwords: 'game plan'.
Speaking in the diary room, Angie Best shares her opinion on Heidi and Spencer: "Speigles? They have a game plan, as they want to win. It makes the competitiveness in me come out, but I don't know how to play the game. Everybody is nice, I like all of them."
Awww, Angie hun.
However, not all the housemates are as full of love as our Ange.
Spencer doesn't seem to be a fan of Stacy: "Stacy has a bad attitude! She is going to be my number one on my nomination list. We’ll give her the benefit of the doubt for now," he tells the diary room.

While James predicts the first argument will be between Spencer & Heidi and Austin.
One thing we're pretty excited about is Ray J practically telling us he's going to reveal EVERYTHING.
"I’m being asked about the sex tape, am I married...I’m ready to tell everybody everything! I’m cool, I’m very respectable."
Very interesting…
Celebrity Big Brother continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5