Chantelle Connelly, Geordie Shore newbie is a Geordie Shore no more.
MTV has confirmed that she's quit the show and it's fair to say that she has burned her bridges on the way out.
Chantelle took to Twitter to say that she'd walked out of filming of series 13 of the show:
But we hoped it was a temporary glitch. We were wrong.
And Chantelle told MTV there were three major reasons she decided to say goodbye to the show that's made her name:
Chloe Ferry
Marty McKenna
Gary Beadle.

Chantelle says that she fell out with show clowns Marty and Chloe because Chloe told porkies about her.
"I told Marty ‘I don’t think you like Chloe’ because he sleeps with birds behind her back all the time."
Seems reasonable…
"She [Chloe] also told me herself that Marty didn’t like her. So when she asked me what I thought, I told her then 'he doesn’t like you'.
"So then Marty comes up to me and says 'It’s your fault that me and Chloe aren’t together'.

"Basically Chloe was going back to Marty and telling him that I’ve said this and that, which I hadn’t. I just told her the truth, I didn’t want her to get hurt. "
Oh, Chantelle love.
And her Geordie Shore woes didn't end there.
BRACE YOURSELF. Turns out Chantelle has been snogging Gary.

Apparently they had "three drunken pathetic kisses in Magaluf" despite Chantelle having a secret boyfriend outside the show.
And when Chantelle called a stop to the saliva sharing, Gary was not happy.
"Gary turned very bitter from the minute I stopped that. I noticed a big change in Gary, he wouldn’t speak to us…
"I’ve left on very bad terms with Marty, Chloe and Gary," Chantelle continued.
"I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.”
However, it's not all bad news. MTV have confirmed that Sophie Kasaei is returning this series for a cameo appearance.
But will Charlotte Crosby ever go back? We're keeping everything crossed.
Geordie Shore: Why Aye Love You begins on 12 July at 10PM, only on MTV.