Charlotte Crosby would punch Ed Miliband and do sexy things to David Cameron

The Geordie Shore gang are wading into the general election

Charlotte Crosby

by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Unless you get 100% of your news from - we're touched if you do, but maybe check the proper news sometime too, yeah - you'll know that there's an election coming.

And tapping into the disenfranchised youth of the UK, those pesky Geordies from Geordie Shore have set out to make their own political party, including one policy which insists everyone should get free spray tans "so they'll look fit".


The gang are only messing around though, as they're actually on a mission to promote the new series of the show, which returns on on April 7 at 10pm on MTV.

Speaking to Digital Spy, they gang suggested how to get young people involved in politics. Surprisingly, Gaz Beadle had an interesting idea that everyone should have to take politics as a subject at school, so they can be well informed and engaged when the time comes to vote.

Meanwhile, Charlotte Crosby lead a game of 'shag, punch or suck off', in which she said she'd punch Labour's Ed Miliband and "I'd suck off David Cameron".

Wow. Who said talking about politics was boring, eh?

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