Cheryl Cole Fernandez-Versini almost falls over on The X Factor

Alas, this could have been the greatest video of the week

by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Style icon, pop star and generally beautiful and fantastic human person, Cheryl Fernandez-Versini almost fell on her beautiful face, while wearing a beautiful dress during The X Factor on Sunday.

But she didn’t. We don’t want to be horrible, but we kinda wish she did. For one thing, it would make for a much better video, and a funny video is just about the best reason for doing anything in this life.

Chezza had to steady herself on her buddy Simon Cowell. We’re sorry this video isn't funnier. As a consolation, here’s a Vine of Cheryl failing to know how to use a straw.

And a Vine of Cheryl being really disappointed her tea is all gone :(

Did you know the diamonds around her lovely neck on Saturday were worth £130,000? Yep, that’s more than our house. Cheryl Fernandez-Versini was pretty much wearing our family home around her neck. You can read more about that here.

Again, soz about the video.

GALLERY: Mel B vs Cheryl - it's fashion war


Mel B vs Cheryl X Factor style gallery

Cheryl wearing Jay Ahr, Mel B wearing Louboutins1 of 7

Cheryl wearing Jay Ahr, Mel B wearing Louboutins

Cheryl rocking Stella McCartney, Mel B in a bodycon LBD2 of 7

Cheryl rocking Stella McCartney, Mel B in a bodycon LBD

Cheryl working monochrome, Mel B in sexy double leather3 of 7

Cheryl working monochrome, Mel B in sexy double leather

Mel B and Chezza coordinating in monochrome4 of 7

Mel B and Chezza coordinating in monochrome

Cheryl's 3.1 Philip Lim vs Mel B's fluoro pink number5 of 7

Cheryl's 3.1 Philip Lim vs Mel B's fluoro pink number



In the judges house! Ah, sunshiiine...7 of 7

In the judges house! Ah, sunshiiine...

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