Coronation Street spoilers: Amy Barlow’s teenage pregnancy shock

Next week on Corrie, Amy Barlow has a baby-shaped problem...

Coronation Street Liz McDonald Amy Barlow pregnant

by Marianna Manson |
Updated on

Will Amy be telling furious dad Steve McDonald, or concerned mum Tracy Barlow, who the father is? Will they work it out for themselves?

Sarah-Louise Platt is at the end of her tether, when Audrey Roberts moves into the Platt family home, forcing Sarah-Louise and Gary Windass to sleep on the floor. When Gary fails to provide, where will Sarah-Louise turn for support?

Carla Connor is concerned about Roy Cropper as the anniversary of Hayley Cropper's death draws near, but on the day it's Sylvia Goodwin who is on his mind. Tyrone Dobbs learns some shocking truths about his nan, Evelyn Plummer.

Check out all the Coronation Street spoilers you need to know for next week...


Coronation Street spoilers: week 4

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Amy has been hiding a big secret. She bunks off school to visit a fertility clinic, telling the nurse she's pregnant and needs the abortion pill.

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But the nurse tells her she needs a responsible adults consent. Amy asks Liz to meet her, and confides in her about her pregnancy.

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Liz manages to convince Amy to speak to her parents, and leads a traumatised Amy back home.

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Steve is furious, and instantly jumps to conclusions. He storms round to the corner shop and accuses Aadi of getting in daughter pregnant.

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But Tracy is more gentle, and manages to get some information out of Amy, who insists it was consensual sex that happened at a party just before Christmas.

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Tracy accompanies Amy to the clinic, where she is told she'll need an ultrasound scan before they can assess what kind of termination she needs.

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But they're both horrified to learn Amy is 10 weeks pregnant and will need a surgical abortion. Tracy turns to Amy demanding the truth.

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Steve has caught Amy discussing her situation with Simon, and instantly jumps to conclusions. He expresses his suspicions to Tracy.

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The two of them head over to Peter's house and accuse Simon of being the dad. Simon insists it's nothing to do with him.

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Later on, a run in in the street turns nasty when Tracy lays into Leanne about Simon. Having already spoken to Simon herself, Leanne vehemently defends his corner.

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Meanwhile, the dry rot in Audrey's house has got so bad it's inhibitable. Sarah and Gary are frustrated when Gail insists Audrey move in with them, leaving the couple to sleep on the floor in the living room.

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Nicole has turned up to the street to visit Eileen, and Gary is thrilled to see Zack.

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But clocking the expensive clothes Gary has bought him, Sarah quietly seethes, knowing how strapped for cash they are.

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Sarah is fed up of living at the Platts, especially as they're now without a bedroom. She's even more furious when she learns Gary has been for lunch with Nicola and Zack, and a potential job for Audrey has fallen through.

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Gary begs Nick for a pay rise, but he refuses.

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After drowning her frustrations at the pub, Sarah accepts Adam's offer of a night cap, eager to avoid Gary.

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The two of them flirt over a bottle of wine, but how will Sarah react when Adam goes in for a kiss?

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As Sarah leaves Adam's flat, the two of them are spotted by Seb from across the street.

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Assuming Adam is hassling Sarah, Seb steps in and gets aggressive warning Adam off Sarah.

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But Adam is having none of it and swings a punch, hitting Seb and knocking him to the floor.

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Sarah brings Seb back to hers to recover, but when Gary comes home she lies and says Seb was attacked by a stranger. Will Seb play along?

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At the hospital, Sinead finally gets a chance to bond with baby Bertie, tentatively putting her hand in the incubator.

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But she gets a fright when his ECG alarm goes off. The nurse calms her down and tells her she's done nothing wrong.

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Carla confides in Shona that she's worried about Roy, as it's approaching the anniversary of Hayley's death and she hasn't heard from him.

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When she takes a call from Sylvia saying she can't locate Roy, she panics, and reports him missing to the police.

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When he eventually shows up, he apoligises and says he's been trainspotting. The next day over lunch at the Bistro, Shona tells Roy and Carla that Sylvia's been taken seriously ill.

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Roy rushes to Hastings to see Sylvia at the hospital, but it's too late. When he returns home he tells Carla that Sylvia has died from a heart attack, and Carla's heart breaks for him.

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Sally has got wind of Abi's interview and offers to help her practise. On the day, it's going well until the interviewer asks Abi to explain the gaps in her CV.

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Panicking, Abi lies and says she was traveling in Botswana. Eventually though, she relents and explains she's spent time in prison. Has she missed her chance?

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On her way home from the interview, she bumps into Peter working on his boat. The two of them exchange some flirty chat.

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Tyrone is concerned about Evelyn after she doesn't show up for bingo, and forgets to collect Ruby from school. He urges her to see a doctor about her memory problems, but Evelyn is brisk and dismissive.

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Tyrone secretly follows Evelyn to an unknown address and watches as she's invited in by a man in a wheelchair. Following behind her, the man introduces himself as James.

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James explains that Evelyn took him under her wing when his parents died, and the two of them go on holiday together every year.

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Tyrone is surprised, and inexplicably jealous, to learn there's a side of his gran he's never known about.

Sinead Tinker's test results come back showing the cancer has spread and doctors say she needs radiotherapy immediately. With a little one to deliver, will mother and baby survive?

With Duncan Radfield in hospital after his run in with Tim Metcalfe, Sophie Metcalfe hopes photographic evidence of his 'dead' wife May will be enough to blackmail him into a confession. But Duncan isn't giving in that easily.

Audrey Roberts realises she'll have to sell her half of the salon to cover the thousands it will cost to repair the dry rot in her house. David Platt is horrified when she sells out to Claudia Colby of all people, and vows to take control.

And there's a shock appearance on the cobbles which will change everything for Sally Metcalfe's case.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

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