Twitter is baffled by this shocking sex fact revealed on Love Island


Camilla Love Island

by Joanna Freedman |
Published on

Forget about Jessica Shears and Muggy Mike for just one moment, because there’s something that viewers are even more gobsmacked about following last night’s Love Island episode.

In case you missed it, the Islanders took part in a pub quiz where they had to answer multiple choice questions about sex.

Most of the answers were fairly vanilla, but when Montana asked one particular question we couldn’t quite believe what we were hearing.

“The size of a clitoris is A) a chickpea B) a satsuma C) a courgette”, she said.

And the answer? A courgette. Yeah, we’re mind blown too.

Now I know what you’re thinking, how could your knowledge of the female anatomy be so wrong? Why did nobody teach you this vital information in sex ed?

But have no fear, it turns out that many of the Islanders didn’t know either.

Just as confused as we were, Camilla Thurlow said: “But where does it go? I don’t understand,” and a baffled Jonny Mitchell added: “a courgette is the size of a cucumber, right?”

Plus, Twitter was absolutely blowing up with people discussing courgette-gate.

One stunned user wrote, “dunno about you guys, but my clitoris is not the size of a courgette”.

So, for everyone whose confused, let’s clear this up once and for all: According to science, the clitoris actually extends five inches down the wall of the vagina - it’s not just the bit you see!

So there you have it…who said reality TV wasn’t educational?

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