Just when we thought Davina McCall couldn’t get any busier (she’s already a presenter, judge, mum of three, and runs the online fitness platform Own Your Goals), she throws in a curveball. Or, in this case, two.
Curveball one: she’s launching her very own underwear range. Curveball two: She’s appearing in Doctor Who on Christmas Day. *Scream*.
We’ll also be treated to a Masked Singer festive special, which means we’ll be getting a double dose of Davina on Christmas Day.

She explains, “One of my friends messaged me after the Doctor Who news came out, saying, “Oh my God, your life!” and I was like, “I know!” she laughs. “I couldn’t believe it myself. It’s given me proper kudos with the kids.”
So, how does the planet’s most youthful 56 year old celebrate the festive season? Is she a nightmare to buy for? And what’s the worst present she’s ever been given? (Hint: we’ve probably all been given one at some point.) It’s time to find out…
You’re on Doctor Who – are you a fan?
I can’t say that I’m up there with the super-fans, but Doctor Who has been in all of our DNA and it’s one of those programmes people watch as a family. It’s such a nostalgic programme and so important to British culture. I have actually been in Doctor Who before, but not in person. I played “Davina Droid” back in my Big Brother era, but this time I actually get to be in it in real life. And not just any Doctor Who, but Doctor Who on Christmas Day! And not only that, I’m in Doctor Who with Ncuti [Gatwa, who plays The Doctor] and Millie [Gibson, who plays his companion, Ruby Sunday]. It doesn’t get any better than that. I’m a massive Sex Education fan, and Ncuti [who played Eric in that show] is a legend, and Millie is amazing, too. It’s such an honour. I’m a presenter, so I never get to do stuff like this.
What can you tell us about it?
It’s called “The Church On Ruby Road”, but I don’t think I can tell you much more, apart from the fact there are goblins in it, which make very funny noises. It was exciting to work on something Russell T Davies has written, because he’s a genius. What’s funny is that Doctor Who has put a new kind of fire in people’s bellies. I had no idea some of my friends were Doctor Who fanatics, but I don’t think you ever grow out of being a fan. It’s a bit like Star Wars. The number of messages I had when this was announced was ridiculous.

Who do you play in the episode?
Myself! I can’t tell you how hard it is to act like yourself. I suddenly became aware of things like how I move my hands. It’s such a weird thing. You also can’t look into the camera, which I’m used to doing all the time. I kept wanting to Fleabag it and talk to the audience, so it took a while to get used to. Usually, I’m either reading something that has been written and we’ve adapted it for me, or I’m ad-libbing, but I’ve never really learned lines. You can’t ad-lib with a script, and I was so nervous. Way more than if were presenting anything. I had the worst cough and cold ever during filming, too.
Did you sound like a Dalek?
I did! But, honestly, people could not have been nicer. I was wet behind the ears, but they were so kind and patient. I felt very exposed and self-conscious, because there were so many people on the set, but I feel really lucky to be a part of it.
What did your kids [Holly, 22, Tilly, 20, and Chester, 17] think when you told them?
I didn’t tell them – I kept it a total secret until it was announced. It was too big a thing to share. I never tell any of my family who’s behind the masks in The Masked Singer, either, because I make them all watch it with me when it comes out. The great thing about being menopausal is that I’ve forgotten by the time it airs.
Apart from doing the TV double on Christmas Day, how will you be celebrating?
Anybody who comes from a blended family – or however you like to term it – will know about this, but we did Christmas before Christmas this year. Because our [Davina and her partner, hairdresser Michael Douglas, 49] kids won’t be with us this Christmas, we did it at the end of November when everyone was around. We had family over for lunch and had stockings, gifts and everybody there from grandparents to young kids. Michael and I are going away somewhere hot for actual Christmas, so I can lizard it up in the sun covered in factor 50.

Will you watch Doctor Who or Masked Singer on Christmas Day?
I don’t think I’ll be able to watch either if we’re away, but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to go online and everybody else can tell me what they’re thinking. Oh God, I still can’t believe I’m going to be on telly twice on Christmas Day. People are going to be like, “Please, just go away!”
What are your favourite things about Christmas?
Christmas is all about family and lots of people being around – the more the merrier. But, in the back of my head, I always think about anyone who’s alone. Lots of people are alone and they love it, but if you’re alone and you’re lonely, it’s f**king horrible, even with all the adverts on the telly. It’s a bit like Valentine’s Day – it can magnify your lack of something.
Do you get dressed up on Christmas Day, or is it all matching PJs and lounging about?
It’s never comfy clothes, it’s highly impractical, brightly coloured outfits, and we change during the day. I’ve got a drawer of sparkly clothes that people can dip into at any time. Everybody totally goes for it, and we do karaoke. Kids are rolling around the floor, both big and small, and it’s so much fun.
What’s your ultimate Christmas guilty pleasure?
Mince pies with brandy butter and double cream. Brandy butter is a bit controversial for me, because it’s uncooked brandy in butter and I don’t drink alcohol. But, after 32 years of being sober, I still haven’t relapsed after having brandy butter at Christmas, so I think it’s fine to carry on indulging.

What are you asking Santa for this year?
I always say to people that, if you don’t know what to get people, do the free Love Languages quiz online. My primary love language is touch, which is no surprise for the most huggy woman in Britain. For instance, if Chester wrote me a card that said, “Mum, I’m going to give you a hug for one whole minute every Saturday morning”, that would have been the best present in the world. So, tell people your love language and they can get ideas of what to get you, and also find out theirs.
Do you think you’re difficult to buy for?
I don’t think I am, to be honest. I’m a magpie, so get me anything that sparkles and I’m happy. Janine, who is my biggest fan, bought me this [pulls out a pen with a rotating glitter ball on top]. This is the kind of stuff I love, so that’s quite easy. I also love experiences. One of my early Christmas presents this year was tickets to go and see the singer Jacob Collier in Amsterdam and I was thrilled about that. I like doing things with people.
What is the worst gift you’ve ever been given?
I was once given a foot spa. [Pulls a face.] Considering I’m the person who doesn’t do spas. I put it together and it broke, so that was that.
You’re bringing out your brand-new underwear range soon. How do you find the time?
It’s something I’ve wanted to do for years and I’m so excited it’s finally happening. It’s called Sessi and it’s launching next year. It’s going to be going into Marks & Spencer, because they’ve started stocking other brands now.
Obviously, M&S is a lingerie Mecca, so it’s perfect!
Did you watch the Big Brother reboot?
I didn’t. It’s a commitment and I was abroad working for most of it, so I couldn’t watch it. But I heard great things about it. It sounded like it went very, very well, and I’d be amazed if there weren’t a second series, so that’s great.

Are you excited that My Mum, Your Dad is coming back for a second series?
Yes! Oh my God, it was so much fun making the first series. I loved it and I loved watching it back, because obviously when I’m making it, I don’t see all the clips of everything. Watching it and seeing how it unfolded was just lovely. I love love, but midlife love is next level, because it’s such a difficult time to meet someone.
I want to supersize things and have My Mum, Your Dad singles’ nights in clubs around Britain. I think people are getting bored of the apps now.
My friend said the other day she’s done an entire app and keeps getting matched with the same people. Jesus, there are millions of people out there, so I want people to get out there and meet someone special. And, if I can help them along, that’s incredible.
Are you going to be making any New Year’s resolutions this year?
Definitely not. I’ve given up a lot of things in my life, so the plan is to carry on as I am. I never take any of it for granted and I’ve had such a brilliant year with My Mum, Your Dad, The Masked Singer and everything! This year has been amazing and I’ve got lots to look forward to in 2024. I’m really happy and in a good place, so I would gladly not change a thing.
Own Your Goals Davina is available on all your devices via ownyourgoalsdavina.com