Doctor Foster writer hints a major character will be MURDERED!

It’s all getting a bit scary, isn’t it?

doctor foster

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

Doctor Foster has had us hooked to our telly screens (and inexplicably furious with our exes for all the times they’ve wronged us and gotten away with it – but that’s another story). We’ve followed Dr. Gemma Foster from the discovery of her evil husband Simon’s affair, to her quest for revenge in series two, one painful injustice – and disturbing hate-sex scene – at a time.

But things may be about to come to a bloody head, according to show creator and writer Mike Bartlett. He’s hinted that a major character may meet a very gruesome end in the series finale next week.

doctor foster

Mike’s revealed that the plot for the BBC One show is actually based on that of Medea, a Greek tragedy which sees a scorned wife violently murder her cheating husband. Yikes.

"In the original pitch, I never actually said, 'We're going to do Medea at 9pm on BBC One' because it probably wouldn't have gone down very well," he told the Radio Times.

"But that idea was always behind it. I wanted to take some of those misogynist ideas about mad women and witches, and hopefully subvert them."

The myth has been re-told over the years, with one version recounting the story of Medea teaming up with her son to kill her cheating husband and his new young wife. Does this mean we could see Gemma and Tom seek violent revenge on Simon and Kate?

doctor foster

Another version of the Greek legend sees Medea actually kill her own children to avenge her husband’s infidelity. Seems reasonable…

We’re really hoping this Mike’s take on the myth is just a loose interpretation and Gemma’s not going to knock off poor Tom.

We are expecting a dramatic ending, though as Mike hinted that the events in the final two episodes may make a third series a no go.

"Depending on what happens at the end of series two, a third might not be possible,” he told the publication.

"That's all I can say really."

The penultimate episode of Doctor Foster is on BBC One at 9pm tonight

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