Guess what, you lot? Comedy Central's Drunk History's BACK for a third series; and what better way to celebrate such a momentous occasion than to get Jamie Laing, Stephanie Pratt and Chris O'Dowd to fess up about their funniest drunken tales?
(We also wanted their hangover tips, too; 'cause we all know the morning after ain't getting easier and we literally can't deal with another Sunday surrounded by Haribo and regret. Sigh.)
Jamie Laing

Tell us your best drunk story...
My friend once woke up after a big night out, naked and wrapped in a parachute. He doesn’t know what happened.
If you were a cocktail what would you be?
I would be a cucumber sour, because it is delicious and healthy.
What's your go-to hangover cure?
Get out the house and Berrocca. Don’t eat, everyone eats on a hangover and it just makes it worse.
Stephanie Pratt

What’s your favourite tipple?
A Pornstar Martini, which is perfect for the character I’m playing today.
Do you have a party trick?
Yeah, I can hold my liquor; my only party trick is being able to drink anyone under the table. And I don’t get hangovers.
Chris O'Dowd

What’s your favourite drink?
I was getting really bad hangovers and now that I have a kid we worked out that good tequila and soda and lime is great because you drink a pint of water every time you have a drink so you’re basically not drinking.
Do you have a hangover cure?
I like to put two Berocca into a Bloody Mary, hand it to someone, have them drink it. Then punch me in the mouth
Drunk History airs tonight (Wednesday 8th March) at 10pm on Comedy Central UK