Ed Sheeran talks about S-E-X in his Game Of Thrones appearance :O

Ed Sheeran has 8 new singles in the top ten

by Ruby Norris |
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We recently heard the v v v exciting news that Ed Sheeran will be popping up in the new series of Game of Thrones. Because genuinely why not? He can do anything. He's literally got all of his songs ever in the history of Ed Sheeran songs in the charts right now, so if he wanted to be the Queen he probably could right now.

Speaking at the SXSW film festival in Texas, David Benioff and Dan Weiss said they'd been trying to book him for a while, and then Ed tweeted "guess the cats out of the bag" when everyone went ape-shit over the news.

Anyway, he's now opened up a little bit more about his part in the epic series and given us more of a clue of what we can expect. Good news: HE DOESN'T DIE.

Speaking to the Daily Star, Ed revealed: “I do know which role I am going to play. I don’t die in it, I don’t die."

Makes a change from all the other lead characters and major movie stars meeting their untimely and gruesome demise after about 37 seconds of airtime. Just to throw us off, ya know.

Ed Sheeran Game Of Thrones

But he then added: "I’m only in it for like five minutes."


Ed also spoke about the possibility of a raunchy lil' sex scene and tbh he sounded pretty up for it.

"I’d probably prefer to have sex than die in the show."

Ed, you dawwwwg.

Discussing the possibility of combining the two (hey, whatever floats your boat), he admitted: "I’m sure a lot of people are into that [having sex and dying] but I’m not."

Sames, hun.


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