Frozen director CONFIRMS film’s link with Tarzan



by Polly Foreman |
Published on

If we said we didn't devote at least a whole afternoon to watching Frozen and singing Let It Go while enjoying a nice glass of Pinot we'd be telling a big old lie. We like to pretend we only did this so as to bond with our young cousins, but that is also A LIE.


The only thing better in life than Frozen (bar Harry Potter and Celebrity Big Brother, obv) is Tarzan. So you can imagine our delight when a fan theory popped up about a year ago linking the two Disney films together.

Hear us out.

Remember at the beginning when the parents got shipwrecked with their baby (Tarzan), built the treehouse of absolute dreams in the jungle, then got CRUELLY MURDERED BY THAT FUCKING LEOPARD?

And remember in Frozen, when Anna and Elsa's family 'died' at sea? Well, it was suggested that they didn't actually die at all – and were actually shipwrecked and, you guessed it, Tarzan is RELATED to Anna and Elsa.



And according to Frozen co-director and Tarzan director, Chris Buck, it's true.

In an interview with MTV, he said: "When you're working on a feature, you have a lot of time to think about stuff because it takes four years to make one. I think Jen [Lee, his co-director] and I were walking to a meeting, and I just started to tell her the entire story."

"I said, 'Of course Anna and Elsa's parents didn't die. Yes, there was a shipwreck, but they were at sea a little bit longer than we think they were because the mother was pregnant, and she gave birth on the boat, to a little boy.

"They get shipwrecked, and somehow they really washed way far away from the Scandinavian waters, and they end up in the jungle. They end up building a tree house and a leopard kills them, so their baby boy is raised by gorillas."

The link isn’t officially endorsed by Disney, but it's GOOD ENOUGH FOR US.



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