Gemma Collins don’t need no man! She’s I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T! Anyway yeah she’s not seeing anyone at the moment

The candy shop is closed


by Joel Golby |
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TOWIE star Gemma Collins has confirmed that she is not currently giving her precious candy to anybody, male or female.

The 33-year-old has been linked this week with a mystery male who she was spotted with in Marbella (and, uh, who turned out to be her cleaner), and Alex Moss, who recently completed a prison sentence for conspiring to supply cocaine. Those heady days where she was sharing a family-sized Domino’s in a bunkbed with Arg seem so long ago, don’t they?

“There's always so many speculations,” she told Digital Spy. “I think people saw me in the pool with someone or something in Marbella, but that was my cleaner. We went away because Billie [Faiers] got engaged and it was just one of the friends of the group.”

She added: “There's been so much speculation about me and Alex. I knew him from years ago – we're good friends. We enjoy each other's company when I see him, but I'm single and there's just no rush, really.” “It will probably happen to me in Tesco one day,” she joked.

“It will just happen when it happens, it's not on the forefront of my brain at the minute. When I'm in love you'll all know about it, but until then I'll just have to keep enjoying life.” Hashtag loving life.

Gemma said this week that, if she didn’t meet the right man in the next five years or so, she wouldn’t be adverse to a bit of the ol’ artificial insemination in her quest for a lovely baby.

“Naturally as you get older you think about it, but I've got to find the right person – please God it'll happen – to settle down with," she said. “In another five years if I didn't find the love of my life, then you can always go and get artificially inseminated now, can't you?” You can, Gemma. You sure can.

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