Gemma Collins: ‘I swear Katie Hopkins fancies me’

Don't mess with Gemma Collins. Watch out Katie...


by Maria Vallahis |
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Katie Hopkins called Gemma Collins ‘fat’ and this has made Gemma think Katie fancies her. Are you confused already?

Katie called Gemma fat on Celebrity Big Brother last night while talking to Nadia Katie explained what she would call ‘fat’ and referenced Gemma. Ouch.

Taking to Twitter, Gemma wrote: "I swear Katie Hopkins fancies me !! Omg why does she keep going on about me she's an actual bully keep bringing my name up ! Come see me.

"Katie Hopkins fancies me ha ha ha ha ha the nutters obsessed watch her show she's the one with issues in life she hates herself !"

She then added a snap of her posing with Katie, both with huge smiles on their faces, and wrote: "Look she's cuddling me !! Asked me for a picture she needs to stop her obsession with me #beggintobymate.

"Look how happy she is to be next to me she hates herself so much #CBBneedshelp #obsessed stop thinking about me babe."

She added: "Ooo Katie Hopkins secretly must think of me Before she goes to bed #katielovesgemma #MyFatStory what a joke she was."

It wasn’t long before fellow TOWIE faces jumped in to Gemma’s defence.

Bobby Norris tweeted: "I can't help but feel Katie Hopkins is obsessed with @missgemcollins ..She is clearly one very unhappy individual #CBB."

CBB contestants spent their first full day in the house yesterday.

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