Is this the worst Geordie Shore fight EVER?

Sad times in the Toon

Chloe Ferry Nathan Henry Geordie Shore

by Georgina Terry |
Published on

WARNING: contains spoilers

Bad news, everyone: friendship is dead.

Tonight will see the worst fight we think Geordie Shore has ever seen, as best friends Nathan Henry and Chloe Ferry row.

And Nathan strikes some very low blows.

Nathan, for reasons we can’t quite fathom, is furious that Chloe has been cock blocking Gary Beadle and, after more bevvies than is wise, confronts his pal.

Chloe Ferry Nathan Henry Geordie Shore

“I feel like you speak to me sometimes like shit. I feel like you treat me a lot different to everyone in this house,” Chloe retaliates, which is pretty fair.

“Why you tryin’ to raise another argument?” Nathan shouts back.

“Everyone thinks you’re an attention seeking little twat,” he goes on.

“Sophie [Kasaei] said the same thing! Marnie [Simpson] said the same thing! Everyone in this house thinks, that you think you are bigger than what you are now!”

Chloe Ferry Nathan Henry Geordie Shore

Wow. That is harsh. And to bring other people into it is super not cool.

“Everyone says the whole thing. I’m the only one telling you the truth. There you go!” he finished, just to make sure Chloe really got the idea.

We’re shocked that Nathan would treat his supposed best pal so harshly. It’s almost like he hasn’t got a storyline unless he’s having a go at Chloe. That’s pretty much all he’s done for the past two series anyway.

In other Geordie Shore news: could this new radgie be joining the cast? We got on our Miss Marple hat, stroked our Poirot style moustache, and delved deep to dig up all the goss on the woman who appears to have met Cheryl Fernandez-Versinsi in a caravan.

Geordie Shore continues tonight at 10pm on MTV.

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