heat meets the Gladiators

Nitro, Hammer, and Cyclone let Katie Holloway in on the secrets to being the toughest people on telly

Gladiators Cyclone, Nitro and Hammer

by Katie Holloway |
Published on

Here at heat, you get used to no two days being the same. Some days, you’re trying to figure out which kitchen utensil Lady Gaga’s latest dress looks like, while on others, you’re dashing into the toilets at heat Towers after Shania Twain’s been here just to be the first person to use it after her. For legal reasons, only one of those is true… But when you’re asked to spend the morning at a studio with three gladiators, you know it’s going to be a good day at work. Even if you do have to don a granny outfit for the privilege.

The BBC’s Gladiators reboot has been a smash, delighting families up and down the country since it returned last year. And while the second series has brought plenty more action, drama, and lots more of Legend preening himself, the show decided to pull out all the stops and introduce not only two new games, but two incredible new gladiators: Hammer and Cyclone. We had the pleasure of being personally intimidated by their muscles and charming personalities, while fan favourite Nitro told us all about his initiation for the newbies and why some people are simply born gladiators.

How hard was it keeping your new roles a secret?

Cyclone: Incredibly difficult. Even when it came to stuff like planning things with your friends and they mention a specific date, you had to be like, ‘I just can’t, I just can’t!’

Hammer: Yeah, I agree. We're larger-than-life characters every day anyway, so hiding something like that is a big thing.

What was it like getting the call and how was the audition process?

H: It was unbelievable, really. Obviously, the sheer shock of that and then it was just a process of zooms and meetings to make sure we were exactly as gladiatorial as we said.

C: In my case, I didn't actually know what the show really was. But when it was explained to me, I knew it was something I would love to do. I was so down. And then it was just fun, even doing the trials. I was like, ‘Even if I don't get it, that was a really cool experience’.

Hammer on Gladiators
Hammer on Gladiators ©BBC

Add to all that the fact you’re on a huge BBC show – what is that like?

H: It’s pure excitement. Being on that kind of platform is just unbelievable. It's such a unique experience, one very few people get to do, so I’m very thankful for that.

C: It’s panto, as well. You’re playing a character so you can… not hide behind the character, because it's extension of yourself, but it was just fun to go out, wear your costume, and get to play a character.

Nitro, when did you find out there were going to be newbies joining the gang?

N: Quite early on. We were aware that the team wasn't complete, that we could grow. There are some people that are born gladiators and you can pretty much tell who's ready to be one. These two have stepped up to the plate pretty well.

Did you feel like you were the new kids at school?

C: Yeah, 100%. We even made a video about it with our school bags. Everyone was so lovely and it’s still so weird to us that we fit in so well.

H: We are gladiators, though, so we fit in with the gladiators. We see ourselves that way.

C: Especially after the initiation…

What initiation?

N: Season one, I had everyone using their brains. You wouldn't think that would be the case with gladiators, but that's what I did – a lot of brain training with the gladiators. What you're finding is people panicking, people under pressure, seeing what they're truly about. Now, because everyone had done that season one, everyone knew the answers to the games I would be playing, right? So, for these two, I thought straight up, ‘Sing a song’.

Cyclone in action on Gladiators
Cyclone in action on Gladiators ©BBC

A song?

N: Yeah! What song have you got word for word? Everyone in this world would have a theme tune that they walk into a room to, so I asked, ‘What would be your theme song?’ And then the song choice is interesting. You see what they're about. Cyclone started rapping. And then this guy here, Hammer, started coming out with some slow-jam Ginuwine flex! I said, ‘OK! I didn’t know that was in his locker’. It was nice for us to see what they're about. Straight away that brought them into the fold.

How did you newbies go about picking your names?

H: It was very definite for me. I would say I’m strong, hard-hitting. I always like to say that I’ve not been made, I’ve been forged, in exactly the way the hammer has been.

C: I had a strong sense of what I wanted the character to be: very self-confident, takes up the space, very dominating. But I couldn't encompass that in one word. So, when they asked me, I had no clue. I was like, ‘I'll leave it in your hands. This is what I want the vision to be’. And then they came up with Cyclone, which I think encompasses that well because if you get caught in a cyclone, you're not getting out. It's such a force of nature.

Nitro, did you give them any advice when they joined the team?

N: Of course. We were all there for them. I think it’s fair to say I did a lot of chatting to you guys, but that's Nitro. I'm a big ball of explosive energy within the games, but equally, I’m a social butterfly. So, in that sense, I was a bit of glue for them.

H: One hundred per cent.

N Legend will say otherwise, but I know I'm good, but if we're all good, then we can make the show even better. It’s best for everyone at home, and it makes it better for us to make sure everyone is at their A-game.

H: We’re a team.

N: Yeah, we shine bright.

Nitro aka Harry Aikines-Aryeetey competing at the 2016 Olympics
Nitro aka Harry Aikines-Aryeetey competing at the 2016 Olympics ©Getty

Nitro, you’re injured for this series – how gutting was that?

N: It's a bitter pill to swallow, because obviously, when you're as awesome as I am…

Er, Legend, is that you?

N: [laughs] I’m Legend with a smile! But that’s the thing – we know we’re awesome. I'm an amazing athlete, two-time Olympian, I've won medals. It's always nice to go out and show my talents, but this was testing in another way. I've always fought as an athlete – I missed out on London 2012 because of injury. But seeing these guys shine meant something to me. When I'm back, we're all going to shine together, and they're going to celebrate me more. When I have that first wall climb and I get that person off, these guys are going to know the struggle!

What are your favourite and least favourite of the games?

H: I can quite easily say Unleash is my favourite. You’re coming out, and then bang! Nineteen stone running after you. You’ve got no chance. I love it. And I haven’t got any least favourites… I smash them all.

C: I can tell you my least favourite is The Edge. I think that takes so much mental psyching yourself up for it, whether you're comfortable up there or not. As humans, we're not naturally up in the sky falling from a height, as well as trying to chase someone. I have so much respect for those contenders, because you can see that they're bricking it. I told [the producers] if you need someone for The Edge, I'll do it, but I am the last person on the list.

And your favourite?

C: Powerball. It’s the most intense game. There's just no amount of time to think about what you're doing.


N: Everyone would think I'd say The Wall because I'm rapid up it, but my favourite is Dual, because I get to look them in the eye. I don't get to do it often, so I take my time up there make sure they get a bit of punishment before they get dropped off. And then I get to dance up on a podium in the middle of a stadium.

Which celeb would you want on the show?

N: Give me Anthony Joshua on Dual.

C: Stormzy. Imagine.

N: I could see him doing that. I know his trainer. I might put a word in.

H: I’ll keep it real – someone like Bear Grylls.


As incredibly competitive people, what’s it like training against each other?

C: They always make a point to warn us that it's just training, every single time. Especially as new glads trying to prove yourselves.

H: Yeah, us coming in at a million miles an hour.

C: They’re like, ‘Save it for the show!’ You don’t want anyone to get hurt and end up with no show.

N: I was a walking reminder for that.

We’re going to end on Gladiators Top Trumps – who takes the longest to get ready?

C: Legend. I share a make-up artist with him. Like, ‘What do you need to do?’

N: It’s not her fault, but Fury. I genuinely feel sorry for Fury, because she has to be the first one there, and she tends to be the last one. That hairstyle!

Who takes the most selfies?

N: Comet is pretty good with her camera, but she does it for the memories.

C: I’d say Sabre.

N: Yeah, Sabre just takes selfies.

Who’s the best cook?

N: Come on, [pointing at himself] Masterchef finalist.

C: He’ll post on the group chat, ‘Oh, I’m just making some pancakes with a strawberry compote’.

Who is most likely to cry at a romcom?

N: Sabre and Dynamite.

C: I promise you it’s me. I cry at every single movie I watch. Now, I won’t say that on TV [puts on a serious Cyclone face] I obviously meant tears of anger.

Who is the ultimate gladiator?

C: I think all of us would say ourselves.

N: Come back to us in five series’ time and we’ll look at the data.

Gladiators is on Saturdays on BBC One

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