OK, OK - so The X Factor is supposed to be about the singing. But is it really that bad for us to have a little gawp at some of the hot boys every once in a while? We're only human!?!?
And you can't blame us really - there have been some seriously hot hotties since the show began in 2004.
So here's an idea. How about getting yourself a cold flannel and having a look through our gallery of the hottest X Factor boys EVER!
Hottest X Factor contestants ever
Shane Ward, series 2
Come on, you know you would...
Chico, series 2
We wish it was Chico Time every hour, on the hour
Nicholas Dorsett, series 2
OK, OK, so the cornrows aren't great.
Ray Quinn, series 3
This guy has DEFINITELY got better with age
Andy Williams, series 4
We don't actually remember if Andy was any good at singing, but he sure was pretty
Daniel DeBourg, series 4
Same goes for Daniel
Futureproof, series 4
We quite like the front three, but we're not sure about far-right's bandanas and far-left, Vince Kidd. No offence, V...
Leon Jackson, series 4
So cute!
Austin Drage, series 5
Great body, if we remember correctly...
JLS, series 5
These guys were always going to make it into our Hottest X Factor Boys Ever gallery, weren't they?
Scott Bruton, series 5
Cute as a button
Danyl Johnson, series 6
Shame he turned out to be a bit of a jerk, eh?
Jamie Archer, series 6
Lloyd Daniels, series 6
Just look at those puppy dog eyes
Olly Murs, series
Matt Cardle, series 7
He's still the hottest painter and decorator we've ever seen
Aiden Grimshaw, series 7
Hot and kinda weird - our favourite combination
One Direction, series 7
Disclaimer: We didn't fancy them when this photo was taken back in the day. That would NOT have been OK...
Wagner, series 7
Oh. How did this get in here...
Jonjo Kerr, series 8
We just love that moody scowl
Marcus Collins, series 8
Lovely Marcus
The Risk, series 8
All equally hot... which is rare for a band
Kye Sones, series 9
Looks better in eyeliner than any of us girls
Union J, series 9
Even hotter since George joined
Kingsland Road, series 10
Fabulous hair if nothing else
Rough Copy, series 10
What's hotter than a man in a pleather skirt? Three men in pleather skirts!
Sam Callahan, series 10
ERM, have you seen his body?!