I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! 2016: THE FULL LINE UP IS HERE

This is not a drill

I'm A Celebrity 2016 rumours

by Owen Tonks |
Published on

I'm a Celebrity '15 kweeen Vicky Pattinson has barely had time to scoop out the creepy crawlys from her boots, before we are already looking for our next dose of jungle FEVER. We are looking at you, *I'm a Celeb *2016!

It goes without saying, we are true fans here at heat and you could never knock our commitment for a reality tv show (or anything presented by Ant & Dec). Here is your cheat sheet to everything we know so far...

When does I'm a Celebrity 2016 start?

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here! starts on Sunday 13 November 2016.

When does I'm a Celebrity end? Like when is the final?

It ends the 4th of December, sob. What will we do with our evenings, then? We are going to need copious amounts of mince pies to deal with the agg.

What's this we hear about I'm A Celebrity: Camp Extra presenters?

I'm A Celebrity: Extra Camp

Vicky Pattison, Stacey Solomon, Joe Swash and Chris Ramsey have been CONFIRMED for I’m A Celebrity: Camp Extra, the new name for *I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here Now! *

It's a bit like when Marathon became Snickers.

I'm A Celebrity: The official Line-up

Here are all the celebs entering the jungle (and who could very well be chomping on kangaroo balls) in the coming weeks...

Scarlett Moffatt

scarlett moffatt

Who is Scarlett Moffat?

Scarlett is literally our FAVE thing about Channel 4 shoe Gogglebox. Her hilarious sense of humour and witty one liners are pure tele gold. We can't wait to see what's in store for her in the jungle. She may even have to eat crocadile vagina. But knowing Scarlett, she'll give anything a go.

Scarlett Moffat I'm A Celebrity Facts

  • Age: 26

  • Phobias:* Small spaces, the dark, walking across bridges, clowns – but hopefully there won’t be too many of those in the Jungle

  • Missing any special occasion: A few Gogglebox bits and pieces, my Aunt’s birthday

  • Biggest misconception you want to dispel in the Jungle: It will be nice to show people that I have legs!

  • Role in the camp: The person who will keep spirits up in the camp

  • Miss most: My family, friends and a cup of tea

  • Dream camper: Mary Berry

Lisa Snowden

Lisa Snowden

Who is Lisa Snowden?

She is a tv and radio presenter who is also a fully-fledged fashion model. She also dated FITLORD George CLooney.

Lisa Snowden I'm A Celebrity Facts

  • Age: 44

  • Phobias: I’ve never had to put myself in a situation like this but lack of food, surviving with nothing and not having any outside contact is going to be tough

  • Missing any special occasion: No, I am such a ‘family bod’ that if I’d had a wedding or anything like that, then it would have played a big part in my decision to do it or not

  • Biggest misconception you want to dispel in the Jungle: I’ve never thought about what the public think of me – I am going to do the best I can

  • Role in the camp: Cook – I love food!

  • Miss most: My family and phone, I speak to them all the time

  • Dream camper: Bear Grylls

Jordan Banjo

Jordan banjo

Who is Jordan Banjo?

Oh my gawddd, you remember Britain's Got Talent's Diversity, right? The flips and twists and utter MAGIC? Well, yeah he's the one on the left! He also dated Jesy Nelson once.

Jordan Banjo I'm A Celebrity Facts

  • Age: 23

  • Phobias: Snakes and spiders

  • Missing any special occasion: Several Diversity commitments including The Royal Variety Performance, a Diversity TV show rehearsal and a few gigs

  • Biggest misconception you want to dispel in the Jungle: Nothing but I want to prove I am not a wimp

  • Role in the camp: Team player

  • Miss most: My dance group members and the routine of life that you take for granted

  • Dream camper: Will Smith

Joel Dommett


Who is Joel Dommett?

He is an actor and comedian who has appeared in Skins and hosted Live in Chelsea, a live discussion show revolving around Made in Chelsea. Maybs he will be too posh for the jungle, eh.

Joe Dommett I'm A Celebrity Facts

  • Age: 31

  • Phobias: I am scared of that question in case of what might happen!

  • Missing any special occasion: I have had to cancel a few tour dates

  • Biggest misconception you want to dispel in the Jungle: There isn’t one really, but it’s a good opportunity for people to get to know who I am…hopefully they’ll be like, "Aww, he’s nice - I want to marry him."

  • Role in the camp: The comforter who will raise spirits

  • Miss most: Food and my daily routine

  • Dream camper: Can I bring my best mate Steve? He isn’t famous though

Sam Quek

sam quek

Who is Sam Quek?

Following in the footsteps of Rebecca Adlington and Fatima Whitbread, gold medal winning hockey player Sam Quek is the latest Olympian to be rumoured to be heading into the jungle.

With former experience as a swimwear model, we're sure she wont shy away from the camp's famous waterfall shower.

Sam was part of the team that bagged a gold medal in Rio, after beating Holland in the final.

Sam Quek I'm A Celebrity Facts

  • Age: 28

  • Phobias: Cockroaches, spiders and anything small

  • Missing any special occasion: No, my coach has given me some time off after the Olympics until February 2017

  • Biggest misconception you want to dispel in the Jungle: That I am not a hard, emotionless athlete. I do have emotions!

  • Role in the camp: The fun games initiator, a team player.

  • Miss most: Contact with the outside world and not being able to speak to my boyfriend and family.

  • Dream camper: Nicole Scherzinger

Ola Jordan


Whos is Ola Jordan?

Ola is a ballroom dancer who has appeared on Strictly every year from 2006 to 2015! She said she would be missing 2016 and now we know why... #detective

Ola Jordan I'm A Celebrity Facts

  • Age: 34

  • Phobias: Spiders, rats, snakes – I hate them all!

  • Missing any special occasion: A few work commitments

  • Biggest misconception you want to dispel in the Jungle: A chance for me to go into the camp with no big hair, make up and skimpy dresses on. I want people to realise I’m a normal girl.

  • Role in the camp: The person who wants to have fun

  • Miss most: My family and phone

  • Dream camper: Hugh Jackman

Adam Thomas

aiden thomas

Who is Adam Thomas?

Scott Thomas' BROTHER. Yep the one from Love Island who is going out with Kady McDermott. Adam is also kinda famous and he is on Emmerdale.

Adam Thomas I'm A Celebrity Facts

  • Age: 28

  • Phobias: Spiders, cockroaches – anything like that!

  • Missing any special occasion: Emmerdale

  • Biggest misconception you want to dispel in the Jungle: There aren’t any really, I just want to show I can really put myself out there and rise to the challenge

  • Role in the camp: I won’t be the chef, I can only cook beans on toast! I’d say I am easy going Miss most: My little boy

  • Dream camper: Leonardo DiCaprio

Larry Lamb

larry lamb

Who is Larry Lamb?

Who isn't he tbh? He was Archie in Eastenders until he was brutally murdered in the Queen Vic. Then he was on Gavin and Stacey and continued to make our entire life. LARRY LAMB 4 EVZ.

Larry Lamb I'm A Celebrity Facts

  • Age: 68

  • Phobias: I don’t have any, however the thing with acting is if something goes wrong, it can be pretty scary

  • Missing any special occasion: No, but as an actor you are always missing weddings and birthdays because you’re away so much

  • Biggest misconception you want to dispel in the Jungle: It would be nice to be me rather than a role I’m playing

  • Role in the camp: Cook

  • Miss most: My family, friends and a cup of tea

  • Dream camper: Barack Obama

Wayne Bridge

wayne bridge

Who is Wayne Bridge?

He is a retired footballer who is married to Saturday's Frankie.

Wayne Bridge I'm A Celebrity Facts

  • Age: 36

  • Phobias: Absolutely everything! Rats, spiders, cockroaches, snakes, claustrophobia, sleeping in the Jungle – I am bricking myself

  • Missing any special occasion: The tenth birthday of my son, Jaydon, but hopefully he will think his Daddy is cool for going into the Jungle

  • Biggest misconception you want to dispel in the Jungle: I want people to get to know me. I’ve not given many interviews in the past or put myself in front of the camera. My fellow footballers will be shocked I am doing something like this

  • Role in the camp: The person to initiate games, fun and exercises

  • Miss most: Aside from my wife and children, my phone, bed, pillow and sugar

  • Dream camper: Floyd Mayweather

Carol Vordeman

Im a celeb

Who is Carol Vordeman?

Known for her super smarts, we have no doubt Carol would be the brains of the camp and certainly master a few Bush Tucker trials.

Carol Vorderman I'm A Celebrity Facts

  • Age: 55

  • Phobias: I am not a scaredy cat but I am not a great swimmer. I won’t be very good on the underwater tasks

  • Missing any special occasion: No

  • Biggest misconception you want to dispel in the Jungle: People think I am more serious than I am. But I am not, I love having a proper laugh

  • Role in the camp: Mothering type, I will be Aunty Carol.

  • Miss most: Aside from my family, my aeroplane

  • Dream camper: Eamonn Holmes, I want to see him suffer in a Bushtucker Trial

WOWZA. We need to sit down and eat a lemon tart or something. What do you think of the line up? Let us know at @heatworld.

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