Posh funny fella Jack Whitehall has only gone and made a movie-film.
Yep, the 27-year-old comedian is starring as Alfie Wickers in the big screen adaptation of the hit BBC comedy *Bad Education, *which looks like it should tide you over until the next Inbetweeners film hopfefully materialises someday.
Alfie's class of students have FINALLY finished their exams, so he wants to take them "on a holiday that's so bats**t mental that if it was a movie, everyone would be played by Nicolas Cage".

Cornwall is the school trip destination, and provokes one of the best gags from the trailer; when the gang is asked what Cornwall's main export is, they hit back with suggestions of "inbreeding, racism, mullets, pasties, clotted cream".
You'll notice a host of familiar faces as Alfie sets off on his quest for an "insane" end of year blow-out, including Harry Enfield, Mathew Horne and Sarah Solemani, who all reprise their roles from the show.
There's also Game Of Thrones' Ser Jorah AKA Iain Glen, who'll be playing a gruff Cornishman, instead of a gruff northerner.
Expect loads of drinking, half-naked zip lining and, erm, swan teabagging when The Bad Education Movie storms into cinemas in the UK and Ireland on Friday 21 August.