Joel Dommett: His FUNNIEST I’m a Celeb quotes ever

Joel Dommett

by Aimee Jakes |
Published on

We need to thank Joel Dommett for making us grin like actual blimmin' idiots every evening at 9pm. Like clockwork. He has abs, great gags and we would like him as our boyfriend, TA.

The reason why he came second place and even pipped Larry Lamb and Rear of the Year Carol Vordy? We are going to take a mighty guess and say it's his hilariously funny and brilliantly witty one-liners. JUST TAKE A LOOK.

Here are 17 of the best things he's said whilst in the jungle.

Joel on morse code

'I’ve never done morse code before but it feels pretty simple. I’ve drawn a dot and a dash before.'

When he was faced with a roast dinner on a Bushtucker trial

‘I imagine this is what it’s like being in a strip club, you can see it but you can’t have it.’

Joel Dommett

When waving Martin Roberts over the bridge

'It’s nice waving goodbye to him because it means a tiny bit of silence whilst he’s away!'

When Larry killed a fly

'You are an incredible human being and never cease to amaze me.'

Joel Dommett

On being like everyone else

'We’re just all human beings and sometimes you just happen to get caught masturbating on the internet!'

To a plate of cheesecake

'Wait up for me.'

On Jordan leaving the jungle]

'Damn you ITV… making me so emotional, it’s so stupid, I will see him in a few days.'

On jungle life

‘A lot of people in the outside world get up, have their breakfast and read a newspaper, this morning I had my breakfast while watching Larry Lamb making his muscles dance to a small tune’

Joel Dommett

On Adam putting spiders in his mouth for a trial

'Spider, his worst fear in his mouth, it’s like me putting heights in my mouth – it’s bad.'

On Adam and Martin’s relationship

‘Adam and Martin’s relationship has been so beautiful to watch. Watching them together is like watching a pantomime, Adam playing the leading role of swashbuckling, energetic character and Martin is like the panto villain. Adam took it upon himself to poke fun at Martin and he just loved it.’

Joel Dommett

On Wayne’s super hard trial

'He’s had a terrible time, imagine Titanic but with alligators and spiders.’

When entertaining the royals

‘It’s a real pleasure to perform for your highnesses, the man from Homes Under the Hammer, an Olympian, a footballer and whatever it is that Adam does’

Joel Dommett

When choosing between rice and beans and rice

“I might splash out and have a cup of boiled water'

On being catfished

'I thought I was having SKYPE sex with someone but it was actually a video and it turned out it was someone watching me, watching porn, a porno Gogglebox.'

Joel Dommett

On being in the final

‘I would love to win the final, but like Sports Day I’m just happy to be a part of it.

On getting 10 stars for camp

'I’m so happy, I feel like Sandra Bullock at the end of Gravity, I’m so happy to make everyone proud.’

And finally...

'This is the worst programme I've ever been on'

Oh Joel, don't ever change please.

NEXT - Check out Scarlett Moffatt's funniest from the jungle

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