Justin Bieber calls out Selena Gomez in video for Where Are Ü now…

Justin just can’t leave Selena alone


by Ellie Henman |
Published on

In May Justin Bieber was seen shouting about Selena Gomez through the windows of his car after the Met Gala. Sadly for Justin, it failed to get her attention.

So to change all that, he's made her a pretty big part of the music video for his new track with Diplo and Skrillex, Where Are Ü Now.

Justin dropped the video late last night along with showing off some rather trendy dance moves, we can’t get over how lovelorn poor old Biebs is.

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Along with the writing on the screen, lyrics include: “Now I'm all alone and my joys turned to moping.

“Tell me, where are you now that I need you?/ Couldn't find you anywhere/When you broke down I didn't leave ya/I was by your side/where are you now that I need ya?”

Oo-er. In a joint statement, Diplo and Skrillex address Justin’s feelings in the song and said: “Justin wrote this record during a tough time in his life.

“It comes to us that sometimes, as artists, we are also just objects and we have to take that as much as we have to use that to create. We all do this for you, respect that you put us here and it's Ü that made the video.”

So, they used Justin’s misery to make a rather good track. Genuis idea, some people would say.

Selena’s yet to comment on the video. And, sorry Justin, but she seems pretty smitten with Ed Sheeran at the moment. We fear it’s all over, love.


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