Kanye West announced on his Twitter account today that he was doing a surprise live interview...TODAY...while in Paris for fashion week to discuss…basically everything to do with Kanye West.
The Yeezus rapper spoke for TWO hours, with Lou Stoppard for an In Camera interview, to basically discuss what two and three make, his family, his self-love, his music, his love for his family, his career in fashion, his self-love, his influence on others, being president, his self-love, his next album (which *is *one VERY exciting topic) and, to talk about himself some more.
Kanye seems to be about trying to convince the whole world why to should love Kanye - don't worry, we already do Yeezy.
Now don't get us wrong, Kanye is a musical genius and from what we see he's done rather well for himself in the fashion world too, but we don't need to hear it for TWO. BLOODY. HOURS.
However, the husband of Kim Kardashian did have some important messages to deliver.
When asked if he thought he would be one day as respected in the fashion world as much as he is in the music world, Kanye responded: “Of course. I’m Michael Angelo. There was a time I’m sure where people were sculpting better than him, but he made David.
“So as far as that question goes, Is there a time where he can go on the internet and find a shoe that people want more than my shoes, we’ll go fuck yourself then if it isn’t. And don’t ask me no stupid shit like that again…with the love.”
Seemingly, Kanye seems like a humble, family man and passionate about his work.
However, the US rapper couldn’t help but continuously prop himself, and although he doesn’t need to walk around wearing a Rolex or a suit to prove how much of a genius he is, Kanye did add: “Let’s start by saying this, I’m a creative genius. And it’s proven and I will continue to prove it.
“When people try to take the piss out of me for clothing and this and that, they never think of the fact I never had the opportunity to be properly educated.”
And that he makes his trainers “for love”
“We sell shoes that people want to line up for, because we put love in them, we put heart in them, we want to make Christmas presents. We want to make something that people want so badly it hurts them if they can’t have it.
“It’s not just a financial thing, of course you need finances but, it’s a form of racism and discrimination. Especially with blacks in fashion. I was able to become a multi-millionaire and invest in myself, because no one else would have in a million years.”
So did you get that? Kanye is in fact, Michael Angelo...erm, OK...and he wants you to line up for three days to buy his trainers...AND if you don't want to do that well then, erm, 'go f**k yourself'.
If you want to watch the entire video, we did, then head over to YouTube here{
Katie and Kathleen - Kim and Kanye parody account:
Katie and Kathleen - Kim and Kanye parody account

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