Tonight's the night that three celebs - Marnie Simpson, Nicola McLean and Gemma Collins - enter the Big Brother house as part of a shopping task.

Channel 5 said yesterday: "For this week’s shopping task, Big Brother will be inviting celebrities to stay in the house.
"The housemates will have to earn their keep as they struggle to cater to the whims and diva demands of the VIP guests."

And it turns out housemate Kayleigh Morris reaaaaaally doesn't like Marnie. Or Charlotte Crosby.

Speaking in the Diary Room during the episode, she says: "I hate Charlotte Crosby and you put her f-cking best friend in and when I look at Marnie I just think of f-cking Charlotte and it's angering me every f-cking second. My f_cking boyfriend has Charlotte Crosby's f-cking tattoo on his f-cking leg, I'm sick of it."
We too were extremely confused about why one earth her boyfriend has Charlotte Crosby tattooed on his f-cking leg, so we did some investigative journalism (Googled it a bit), and it turns out her bf, called Conrad Williams, went on Just Tattoo Of Us.