If you could have anyone back in this year's *CBB *house, who would it be?
That's right: no one. They've all been pretty dreadful.
Grant Bovey? Sam Fox? HEAVY D? No thank you very much.
But one person who we concede probably went too soon is former TOWIE Lewis Bloor. Come on, how can Aubrey O'Day still be in the house and Lewis have been booted out? Doesn't seem fair does it?
And so we're thrilled that Lew Lew's managed to have another shot in the CBB house! Sort of.
The final housemates are taking part in a task in which they have to create their own TV show (very meta) and part of that is a call-in.
The first person on the line has a question for Marnie Simpson.

"Marnie, on a scale on one to 10, who much do you miss Lewis?" says the mystery caller.
"Like a million," she replies.
"That's Lewis," one of the housemates tells her.
"It's not!" she gasps back.
Question: why can't Marnie recognise her boyfriend's voice? Did all that time listening to him talk about himself count for nothing? Maybe she was constantly distracted by the thought of his enormous and hairless peen. Understandable.

"You and Bear are doing so well, everyone absolutely loves you," Lew concludes.
Which is sweet. Although a change in direction from when he was trying to distance himself from Bear. Just saying.
The second caller is James Whale doing a funny accent and with a message for Renee Graziano which is nowhere near as exciting.
But still, nice of him to get involved.
*CBB continues tonight at 9pm on Channel 5. *