Ever looked at yourself in the mirror and thought, ‘God, I wish I was more like Phil Dunphy’? Yeah, of course you have – PHIL IS GOD! And Everyone in Modern Family knows it...
He’s not only a brilliant dad, an awesome husband, a smashing guy to pick up in a bar (Clive Bixby – the high-end electro-acoustic transducers designer), a top class cheerleader, a dreamy gymnast and experienced tightrope-walker, he’s also an inspiration to us all. So let’s all just try and be a little bit more like Phil, shall we? Here’s how…
Respect nature

Be a super-cool dad

Be modest

Laugh in the face of life

Lower your expectations

Do the opposite of what people expect you to do

Stay sharp

Lie to the popo

DON’T raise a serial killer

And if all else fails, grow a banging moustache and move your home office into a Portaloo…
Part 2 of Season 7 of Modern Family is back 14 March!