Lillie Lexie Gregg: ‘Charlotte Crosby would have been my worst Ex On The Beach nightmare’

Gaz Beadle's ex tells heat she's sick of him and Char talking about her in the press

Lillie Lexie Gregg

by Emma Dodds |
Published on

We don’t know about you, but we’re struggling to contain our excitement for the next season of Ex On The Beach.

This season is set to be THE most explosive yet, not least because is stars Geordie Shore’s Gaz Beadle and his ex-girlfriend, Lillie Lexie Gregg.


We spoke to Lillie, who told us why she signed up in the first place…

"I just thought this was my opportunity. I was sick of Gary and Charlotte Crosby [talking about me in the press] and I never said anything."

That's a fair reason. In a way.

Ex On the Beach exes

She also confessed that she had massive doubts about doing EOTB, having never done reality TV before, bar a few cameos on Geordie Shore.

She told heat: "I had a huge battle with myself about whether to do it or not.

"The producers really had to persuade me because I thought 'I won't fit in'. I was literally the last person to sign because I just couldn’t decide."

Lillie also revealed the one thing that would have made her quit the show: "Charlotte Crosby would have been my worst nightmare. I just don’t ever want to be in the same room as her. I possibly would have had to leave. She has quite a lot of enemies in the house."

Wowzers. Strong words there, Lillie.

Stephen Bear Lillie Lexie Gregg

After meeting her boyfriend Stephen Bear on the show, Lillie has had a bit of a rough time since Bear cheated on her with his CBB housemate Chloe Khan and told the nation that Lillie was "not the one".

The fashion guru tweeted a simple broken heart emoji on Twitter after the episode aired in reference to the betrayal.

And our hearts broke a little bit too.

*Read more from Lillie and the rest of the Ex On the Beach cast in this week's heat, out now. *

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