Loose Women’s Andrea McLean and Anita Dobson pose naked for Calendar Girls shoot

And they look amazing!

Loose Women

by Laurence Mozafari |
Published on

Loose Women's Andrea McLean and guest panellist, Anita Dobson, have stripped naked with nothing but some mugs and Belgian buns to cover their modesty to celebrate 100 years of the Women's Institute.

The pair plan to show off their recreations of the iconic WI calendar shots, which were also made famous by Helen Mirren in the film version, as a way to kick off the birthday celebrations.


The show has released two snaps from their shoot, which sees Andrea, 45, and Anita, 66, looking so happy they might just burst. You can check out the rest of their shoot on Loose Women airing today.

Calendar Girls, Anita and Andrea
Calendar Girls, Anita and Andrea

The Women's Institute (WI) initially aimed to revitalise rural communities, and encourage food production during World War I. Now the WI is the largest voluntary women's organisation in the UK, and aims to stage activities providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills.

The naked shoot is based on a real-life charity fundraiser from way back in 1999. The shoot went on to raise LOADS for charity and of course inspired the movie, Calendar Girls - starring Helen Mirren, Julie Walters and Linda Bassett.

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