Things KICK OFF between Lotan Carter and Hannah Agboola in tonight’s Big Brother


Big Brother

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

We're going to go all out and say that this series of Big Brother might just be the best yet. OK, nothing will ever beat the Nikki Grahame and Pete Bennett year, but this one's certainly up there.

It's only been on for a week and a half and there's already been more dramz than on a night out with the Towie lot. There's been an argument over dust, heated debate about the world being flat (seriously, guys) and nearly a full-on fight over a tuna sandwich.

The latest spat involves Lotan Carter and Hannah Agboola and it KICKS OFF.

Big Brother

Tensions are flying high, voices are raised and surprise, surprise it seems to involve food (again) with Hannah demanding Lotan goes and eats outside.

Yeah, we're not really sure why either.

Watch the clip here:

In other BB spoiler news, Kayleigh Morris absolutely goes in on celebrity guest Marnie Simpson in tonight's show.

"I hate Charlotte Crosby and you put her f*cking best friend in and when I look at Marnie I just think of f!cking Charlotte and it's angering me every f8cking second. My f%cking boyfriend has Charlotte Crosby's f@cking tattoo on his f+cking leg, I'm sick of it,” she said.

Find out why here.

And Marnie's apparently keen for another Big Brother romance. The Geordie Shore lass has admitted she fancies one of the current housemates.

Read all about that here.

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