Love Island producers are making a BRAND-NEW dating show and it sounds very intense

Love Island meets The Island meets Planet Earth?

Love Island Kady

by Ruby Norris |
Published on

Love Island has only just returned to our screens and we're already absolutely hooked. We've got a love triangle, a jilted lover and a whole load of secret snogging on our hands. And its only day three.

Love Island episode 2 spoiler

But, while we've cancelled all social plans for the next 7 weeks in order to fully immerse ourselves in all things Love Island, we also like to look to the future, to our post LI-lives and contemplate how we're going to fill the void when the dating show's over.

And we think we might have just the thing.

Apparently, the makers of Love Island are working on a brand-new dating show with a twist.

The new show will see British singletons jet off to South Africa (yes, South Africa) in search of love and is expected to air on ITV2 in the first half of 2018.

According to The Sun, a source revealed: "It’s an incredible new concept and will no doubt attract a lot of interest.

"Love Island has shown what happens when singletons live in paradise but this show will test them in the harsh condition of the African savanna.

"It’s going to be a lot of fun and there will definitely be lots of bikinis on show."

Love Island Katie and Adam

TBF, nothing screams romance like a date interrupted by a stampede of buffalo or an angry pride of lions.

We're kinda hoping it's a crossover between Love Island, Bear Grylls' The Island and Planet Earth, with David Attenborough doing the voice over. Who's with us?


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